For you Michiganders, is this true?

Susan Ferree

New member
I received this as an e-mail and thought I'd pass it along. Enjoy

Cold is all depends on where you live!

60 above zero:
Floridians turn on the heat
People in Michigan plant gardens.

50 above zero:
Gulf Coast people shiver uncontrollably.
People in Kalamazoo sunbathe.

40 above zero:
Italian & English cars won't start.
People in Michigan drive with the windows down.

32 above zero:
Distilled water freezes.
The water in the Grand River gets thicker.

20 above zero:
Arizonians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, and wool hats.
People in Michigan throw on a flannel shirt.

15 above zero:
New York landlords finally turn up the heat.
People in Michigan have the last cookout before it gets cold.

People in Tucson all die.
Michiganders close the windows.

10 below zero:
Californians fly away to Mexico.
People in Michigan get out their winter coats

25 below zero:
Hollywood disintegrates.
The Girl Scouts in Michigan are selling cookies.........door to door.

40 below zero:
Washington DC runs out of hot air.
People in Michigan let the dogs sleep indoors.

100 below zero:
Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.
Michiganders get upset because they can't start their diesel trucks.

460 (-459.67 F below zero):
ALL atomic motion stops (absolute zero, zero on the Kelvin scale.)
People in Michigan start saying, "Cold 'nuff fer ya?"

500 below zero:
Hell freezes over.
Michigan public schools will open 2 hours late


New member
I saw a Minnesota thing like this a few years ago. Still funny, although at 15 degrees there is still a considerable drop to go before I wouldnt consider a good cookout.

luvxl k 9

New member
We'll be there in a couple of weeks, what time is dinner Anita? ;)

I love it but have to admit although I'm in Central Illinois I definitely have a Florida attitude!! I'm obviously not going to lobby to move to Michigan anytime soon!:!rolling:

Lisa@Caeles Hills

New member
With horses I'm forced to spend considerable time outdoors each day. 20 degrees with the sun shining can get pretty warm if you're moving around. Usually my jacket is unzipped or comes off after 10 minutes. About 10 below is getting uncomfortable and that is when I start to think it's cold. If the wind is blowing while below zero its downright nasty to me. I guess you really do get acclimated to the cold. I only keep my thermostat at 62 and that feels pretty hot when you first come indoors.


New member
Boy..I am outside alot too, with horses, and HATE the cold when the wind blows....! Still, sunny ,cold I can deal with..... I loved the piece tho...! lol Julie


New member
It was 32 degrees on Sunday and yes, I had the windows down in the van! Regular warm spell!:allg069:


New member
I still walk the dogs until it gets below zero. On Sunday it was 35 degrees and sunny and we saw a guy driving in town in a convertible! Now that's a little nutty...:crazy:
But I will say that it was what we Michiganders consider a "warm spell" and we enjoyed a nice day out playing with the dogs!
Guilty of some of those things. It's was scorching in the 30's this weekend, so I had on my zippered sweatshirt as a coat. My kids don't think about hats and mittens when we are going to the car, unless it's in the negatives, and heck I'm constantly yelling for them to zip their coats!

My neighbor, also, grilled out during the Winter.

I will say this, however, we have had 13 snow days this year! So much so, that they have increased the daily school times for the rest of the year, plus, taken away some half-days, and one day they were supposed to have off. So starting next week my kids will have to start school 10 minutes earlier (7:25AM!!) and get out 5 minutes later (2:18PM, what a dumb time!). yahoo.


New member
We sleep with the windows open in the bedroom until it's way below zero - otherwise the newfs whine to go outside and cool off. The French bulldog sleeps in a kennel with a down pillow and a fleece pillowcase - what a wimp!


New member
It was 32 degrees on Sunday and yes, I had the windows down in the van! Regular warm spell!:allg069:
Ditto! -- I don't even really start taking extra precautions until it gets around 0.

The dogs love 25-30 degrees with the sun shining! Cold snow on the tummy and warm sun on the black fur -- good times!!