Escaping!!!Need advice


Inactive Member
Murphy has got into his mind that he can open the closed door and know the outside one is open, but now he's going for little walks on his own almost everyday and when i call him he doesnt come, this only occurs when he is out on these little walks.Id like some advice now because i dont want him to get hit by a car and murphy goes right up to cars while they are moving.Jake is a little more loyal while i freeze asleep with both doors open jake just sits at the door, probably saying in his mind "Im telling"
Advice please!!!!


New member
One thought... Do you have a dead bolt lock on the door?? If so, then you could deadbolt it and he might not be able to get out....



New member
And if you don't have a deadbolt lock, NOW might be a really good time to install one. These are very resourceful dogs, but I have yet to see a dog who can open a locked deadbolt...although I have seen a setter chew through an inch-thick barn door during a thunderstorm!

Good luck!


Inactive Member
No dead bolt, but we do have a hook and it is often forgotten to put it back on and the wind blow the outside door open.Still why would murphy run away when i call him ,but only when hes on his little walk on his own?


New member
it sounds to me like Murphy is pushing open the screen door and the outer door is being left wide open. A screen door is not very strong and will not hold a newf in to well. If it were my house & dog - I'd closed the outer door! I would also put a lot more time in training my come command on a long line with loads of distractions.


New member
Joan is right, more time spent working 'come' on a long line is in order.

You can also teach Murphy to not cross the threshold of the door without permission. You stand outside, and tell him 'no', blocking/stopping him from stepping out the door, then when you can walk away and return, with him staying there, you can tell him 'okay' releasing him to go out the door on command. Also only allow him out the door after you have attached a collar and/or leash. This should be done EVERY time he goes out ANY door until he knows to wait until told its okay. Once this is under control, the door can be wide open and he will know he is not allowed out unless you say 'okay'. No more walkies on his own, and no bolting out any door, even a vehicle.

A better lock on all doors will help while in the training period, just for his own safety, or his being gated out of the room where the exit door is, so he is not self serving.

Good Luck and keep training, it is a never ending process, but very rewarding.



New member
I would install a dead bolt until you can work on the threshold release like susan suggested. Also a good recal is the key to any dogs safety.