Eli went swimming!


New member
Yesterday we took Eli to the lake, we used the boat ramp so that we could almost drive into the water. We had 2 slings on him for support and security, we slowly moved him into the warm water, he pulled up his legs and floated at first, as we slowly went deeper he stood on all four legs and took a step or two. He decided to try his trick of throwing himself on his side, he does this dead dog trick, when he doesn't want to do something, well that didn't work, he came up blowing bubbles. Didn't do that again LOL. Further out as his confidence built, he could no longer touch bottom and he swam! The guys walked next to him for his confidence, and the fact that his muscles are so weak that he swims very low in the water. Once he started to swim, he continued even after he could have touched bottom. He was so exhausted that we moved the van back down to the water and had to carry him in. He moves so well today that we can see that the swimming has boosted his confidence in himself, could I ask for anything more? We are going to continue this every Wednesday evening and Sunday evening, after most people have left the beach. The looks we got from people on the docks as they were loading their boats was one of confusion of first to understanding as they watched. One fellow waited almost 20 minutes to load his boat as Eli gained confidence and swam, and we loaded him into the van. It is so amazing how far he has come in less than a month, his 'gotcha day' was June 15. I will post photos of him in the water, and a video of him walking when my guy gets home. Yeah for Eli, We Believe in You! :groovy::groovy::groovy::groovy:


New member
He is amazing, so willing to try,(except when he plays dead dog and closes his eyes) Our next goal, after swimming and strengthening his muscles, is to work on his 'I can attitude" right now it's "maybe I can, nah I can't" LOL I will be posting a video of him walking, he was such a wobbly drunk, then a snuffleufagus, and now a plodder, I love his plodding, means he is watching his front paws are placed properly or he will fall when he knuckles under. Eli the Wonderdog!