Dudley is joining the TPLO gang...


New member
Specialist finally confirmed complete tear. Undeniably failed the drawer test along with gimping and pointing toe out & sitting straight legged.

Surgery is set for September 17th. Insurance will only cover about $1k of the estimated $5k cost. I'm not happy at all and will be canceling as soon as they pay.

Any tips for a smooth recovery? Vet also wants to see Dudley at 100 pounds vs the 138 he's at now. To protect the other leg...


New member
There is TONS of information on recovery. But the same theme is slow and steady !! You will need to confine him in a small area at first.. on a good solid slip proof surface.. Harness or sling to help him up.. It is all about after the surgery care.. If you do some searches there is a lot of good suggestions and a world of information. Good luck and keep us posted.


New member
Not all TPLO procedures are created equal. Have the surgeon explain in detail what kind you are having done and what the breakdown is price wise. Make sure any outpatient or hospitalization is covered in that price.

And why is the insurance not covering more?


Active member
Bummer! Elvis is almost 2 years out from his TPLO and I must say we're so glad we did it. It was a long recovery, but totally worth it for us. Sadly, there are a lot of newfs on here who have had it done but there are also a lot of tips and tricks for recovery as well.

Is there a vet school near you? We took Elvis down to Ohio State and even with a three day stay afterwards (my husband had to go out of town and I wasn't comfortable driving Elvis 3 hours in the car alone post-op) we only paid $3,000 total for everything.

We have a combo of tile/wood/carpet floors so we got Elvis used to wearing traction booties before his surgery. He still rocks them to this day and has never had any trouble with them. They're a lifesaver on our slippery floors and at the vet office.

We also built his ramp and had him get used to it before surgery. We have three steps off our porch that he needed to get down, so we built our own ramp out of plywood and covered it with outdoor carpet. He didn't have any trouble with that either and we kept it up for about 5 months after surgery.

Now, we didn't have any trouble keeping Elvis confined or calm because he adores his crate and is extremely low key, but if Dudley isn't used to being crated or confined in a small area you may want to start practicing that too.

I also stocked up a new toys for him. He fell in love with what I nicknamed the "Recovery Ostrich" so I bought a few more of the same toy for him to hang out with. He also had some puzzle toys if he got antsy, but he never really did.

One last thing - Elvis was a huge fatty when he had his surgery. He immediately went on the green bean diet and two years later he's down from 185 pounds to 132 pounds. Weight loss (when done properly) takes awhile but low and slow is what you want. We were told not to decrease Elvis' food by more than 25% or his body would go into protection mode and he wouldn't drop weight.


New member
Speaker, I guess the Superior Coverage isn't really all that superior. Has a max of $1,200 for the surgery with 90% payout after the $50 deductible.

Vet quoted between $4,600 and $5,600 all said and done.

Vet also said as long as we keep him quiet, he could have the whole living room. But no stairs for 10 weeks.


New member

How did you do the Green Bean diet? Dudley won't be thrilled with dieting. He likes to vomit bile if he misses a meal by an hour or so.


Active member
We decreased Elvis kibble by 25% but replaced the volume with green beans. He felt full but wasn't getting as many calories. It was easy for us because he was eating 4 cups of food per day - 2 in the morning and 2 at night. We left his breakfast alone but for dinner he got 1 cup kibble and 1 cup green beans. We also swapped out his treats for baby carrots.


New member

Dudley is eating that too - 2 cups in am, 2 cups in pm. He snacks on broccoli and carrots. We rarely offer any dog snacks and when we do, it's a snack bone the size for a small dog (itty bitty).

I will grab some green beans at the store today and begin to replace half his dinner with green beans. :)



New member
We are in week 9 post TPLO with our Lab. He went from 109 to 90. For him it was the green beans and smaller portions. Now he looks really skinny in the hips!

The one thing that helped us the most with him was and is the "help em up" harness. We used it day one coming home from the hospital and still use it now getting in and out of the car.

R Taft

Active member
We have also been through the TPLO surgery.we did not need andy harnesses at all. katy limped into surgery and walked out. If you do want info on post care i have a really good program and i have the proof in my katy as she did really well after the surgery. My Orhto vet said that the dogs who have the sudden injury and have a quick surgery (Like my katy) actually heal better, than the ones where it happens over the years and eventually have the surgery. Go with a good Ortho Surgeon. i am sorry you are not covered, I was lucky and paid out bar $450.00 out of about $5000. If you pm me with your e-mail address i can send you all the info. i have already sent it on to a few people here and some have found it very useful. It is a long road for you and your dog. I was out ten minutes every hour i was not working walking mine slow. I also taught her pre-surgery how to deal with a lift harness, but as i said we did not need it. But get the dogs used to it before the surgery as you want no panic or sudden movements after. if you cannot manage a harness a towel can be used or as I did a girt from one of our western saddles (sheepskin wooly one). We also made a step up for the car, so she could get in and out...it is tough, but all do-able.....thinking of you :) Ronnie


Active member
Good non slip matting we have rubber backed mats here ,good luck on surgery.

Insurance seems to be a real scam at times