does your newf know first aid?


New member
So I am walking across the kitchen floor and, klutz that I am, I trip over the dog bed (like a newf bed isn't big enough) and land sprawled on the floor. Next thing I know I have the newf ambulance over me, Dr. Sophie is taking my pulse by putting my arm in her mouth while nurse Jetta tried to give me CPR, newfie style, aka a face wash. Of course, my daughter sat on the couch and laughed at me, knowing I was in good paws!
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New member
I'm so glad that you're OK. What a stroke of good luck that the ENT's (Emergency Newf Technicians) were nearby to offer resuciitation!


New member
You are well loved, isn't it wonderful. Dogs can be very intuitive about their people needing help though. Several years ago my husband's knees went out from under him in our back yard while I was still at work. Didn't have his cell phone and couldn't get up. The two Rhodesian Ridgebacks walked up, one on each side. He grabbed their collars and they pulled him to the door where he could grab the handle and pull himself up. Now Brandy comes and helps him get out of bed almost every day. Sophie and Jetta will be sure to keep tabs on you now.
Glad you're OK. Clifford is always ready to help too. One day we were out on a long trail walk near the river. After a while I really needed to stop and go pee. There was a tree laying against another that looked good to sit on. I pull my pants down, lean against the tree and it breaks. I end up on the ground, feet up in the air with my pants around my ankles. Clifford comes running out of the river, dripping wet and hurries over to give me mouth to mouth resusitation. There I am with a big furry face licking me and water dripping all over me. My husband was laughing so hard it was a few minutes before he came over to help me up. At least Clifford was there right away to take care of me.


New member
Glad you're OK. Clifford is always ready to help too. One day we were out on a long trail walk near the river. After a while I really needed to stop and go pee. There was a tree laying against another that looked good to sit on. I pull my pants down, lean against the tree and it breaks. I end up on the ground, feet up in the air with my pants around my ankles. Clifford comes running out of the river, dripping wet and hurries over to give me mouth to mouth resusitation. There I am with a big furry face licking me and water dripping all over me. My husband was laughing so hard it was a few minutes before he came over to help me up. At least Clifford was there right away to take care of me.
Ha, ha can just visualize this........did he have a camera???? :devil:


New member
You really are in good paws. Although whenever my newfs are called to "rescue" me it usually involves get stepped on.


New member
Glad you're OK. Clifford is always ready to help too. One day we were out on a long trail walk near the river. After a while I really needed to stop and go pee. There was a tree laying against another that looked good to sit on. I pull my pants down, lean against the tree and it breaks. I end up on the ground, feet up in the air with my pants around my ankles. Clifford comes running out of the river, dripping wet and hurries over to give me mouth to mouth resusitation. There I am with a big furry face licking me and water dripping all over me. My husband was laughing so hard it was a few minutes before he came over to help me up. At least Clifford was there right away to take care of me.
Sorry, but I had a chuckle at this :) I can see Bava now...running up to me with his "worried" look. You okay? You okay?? :)