Does anyone else's pooch do this?


New member
I bought Charlie a bunch of new toys for his birthday a few weeks ago, and in the past few days we have noticed something really odd.

Whenever he plays with his alligator tuffy toy he whines. He chews like crazy on the rope toy ... no whining. He carries and tosses around the stuffed duck and goose ... no whining. He picks up the alligator to chew on, give kisses etc ... and he whines intermittently.

I don't get it! Any ideas why he does this?


New member
Pooka does this whenever he has a toy that makes crazy noises. Not squeaks, but if it makes hoots or animal noises etc he cries while he's nursing it.


New member
Is the material on that toy different than the others? Darcy nurses on ANYTHING that is the soft/lamb's wool-type fabric, whether it be her toy, a stuffed animal, or a bean bag chair!


New member
Is the material on that toy different than the others? Darcy nurses on ANYTHING that is the soft/lamb's wool-type fabric, whether it be her toy, a stuffed animal, or a bean bag chair!
The fabric is the same as the other tuffy toys he has (he has a tuffy sheep, pig, octopus, and disc) ... it is just an alligator shape. He has never had a tuffy be a "favourite" before, he just chews them until the stuffing pops out!

His old favourite toy was a stuffed monkey that squealed, he would carry it everywhere, put it in my bed with me at night time, guard it from the cat etc ... but he never whined at the monkey (he just didn't let it out of his sight)