Dang fleas!!!!


New member
I took Riki in to the vet today. she has been scratching herself to where she is just pulling out clumps of hair, all night she scratches. so, of course it's flea related allergies. I have done everything to fight those little buggars!
they gave me some comfortis and some yeast treatment shampoo and some pills. I can't believe how much money these little devils :devil3: (fleas) are costing me and poor Riki....

AND on another note, some of you might recall the little incident where Riki knocked me over and broke my knee...weeeeelllllll, turns out I also tore my cartilidge also during that fall :cussing2:and I am going to go tomarrow to talk to my doc about my upcoming surgery so I can walk normal again....why they just didn't do the MRI when I initially fell so I could have the surgery and have 8 weeks on crutches to be done with it, I will never know.:confused:

anyhow, that's how my day today and tomarrow are going... I hope everyone else is having a better day!


New member
My Dad went through the same thing last year with his dog. All other years were fine. He used Frontline and the daily pill Capstar. It worked.

Capstar can be used when needed. And stopped when not needed. You might want to check into it.

You'll also probably have to "bomb" the house for fleas. They sell foggers that get rid of the live fleas (and other bugs) and sterilize their eggs, so you won't get a new batch. If the dog has 'em...the house has 'em. Sorry.

And be careful of any reactions to Comfortis. It's a very new product and has no "history". Anything unusual...vomiting, diarrhea, rash, neuro problems...anything...stop the Comfortis and report it to the Vet.

Hope you're able to get around better soon. Sending good thoughts to you.