Crate Size


New member
What size crate are you using for grown or nearly grown newfs? My first newfie didn't need to be crated when he was big as there just always seemed to be someone around. Life is different now and Bailey may still need to be crated to be left alone. The largest crate I can find online is 54". That just doesn't seem big enough given that he now sleeps in a 48" crate and takes up most of it at 70lbs. He likes to sleep on his back or side stretched out.


New member
[QUOTEThe largest crate I can find online is 54". That just doesn't seem big enough given that he now sleeps in a 48" crate and takes up most of it at 70lbs. ][/QUOTE]

I do not have my puppy yet but I am in the process of getting some of the supplies before he or she arrives. Knowing what you know now would you have bought the largest size available? The largest I can find in the U.S. is the 54" as well.


New member
And what do people use for travelling? I'm planning on hopefully doing water/draft work and I've seen others using folding soft-sided crates for these events. I forgot to ask about brands or sizes at the last event.


Active member
I bought the 48 size for Rosie. It is the same size that I used for Sunshine. I had a Vari Kennel for Sunny. I didn't like it. I love the wire crate. Rosie gets lots of air & can see everything. I have a quilt over half of it so she has a "bedroom" area. I think having the sides draped makes her feel a bit more secure. Rosie turned out to be a peanut and is only 73 pounds at 11 months. That said, the crate is huge for her. I think you will find a lot of people have that size. The next size up is nice but it is so big, you need a huge area for it. The 48 takes up enough room as it is. I have a soft kennel for when we go to my parents house. It folds up, is lightweight and easy to take with you. I also use it in the car when I have both of them in it. If Rosie rides alone, I strap her in by her harness. Harder crates are probably the safest, ut I can't fit one of those in when Sunshine goes too. I also have the soft crate in my bedroom and Rosie sleeps in that.

Congrats on the new puppies, how exciting!


New member
The 54 is pretty freakin' big, I'm just saying. My Pooka bear is 180 lbs and 33 inches at the withers, and he fit in it just fine. He couldn't stretch all the way out into a superman pose, but then he was only in it for very brief periods of time when we couldn't be there to supervise him.

I use the past tense because he's been crate free for probably over a year now - but he was just as tall then as now, and he fit in the Great Dane-sized crate just fine. It really is HUGE.

The alternative is to buy an Xpen or make an Xpen by gating off a small room, like a laundry room, a kitchen, etc.

I tried a soft-sided crate for Nanook at the first Canadian Newf Nationals we attended - since the dogs were mandated to be crated when in the room. He slept in it for a week or two before the event, getting used to it, in our bedroom. When we traveled to Canada however was the first time he was crated in it and left alone.

He tore through it like Wolverine and greeted me at the door when I returned from the banquet, tail wagging. And he's NOT a destructive dog.


New member
We have the giant size - I think it's a 54 and it's plenty big enough. It's actually in our basement, we use it for storage now.


New member
We have the 120cm long for two girls (for the car) or 110cm per girl as soft folded crates for shows. A boy or a big girl would need the 120cm.
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New member
We have the 48 inch one as well. Ayasha is 26 inches at the withers and 110lbs and has LOTS of room in it still. I can only imagine how HUGE the 54 inch looks. In terms of a traveling crate, we have hauled the 48 inch crate around with us. I know someone who has the soft-sided crate that you mentioned and they didn't like it because it can get really hot in the Summer. The wired crates get a lot better airflow.


New member
When we are just running out for a few Lola gets put in the 41" crate. If we are going to be gone hours she gets the 48" crate and the dachshunds go in the 41" crate.
I swear two Newfs Lola's size could fit in that 48" it is huge for her, but she is only 25" tall and 100 pounds


New member
Just bought Luna a 48" recently and she has so much room it's ridiculous. She's 92lbs and about 26" or 27" (so not very tall). She can stretch out, roll around, get up, spin around and readjust. Anything bigger would be too much IMO.


New member
I agree that the 48" has plenty of room when Bailey sleeps curled, but his favorite position in the crate is "superman style", but on his back. He like to upside down and sprawled out. Just don't see him doing that much longer in the 48" crate.