Could use some NN positive energy....


New member
My 13 year old niece, Nicole, was admitted to an inpatient, eating disorder clinic and she could use some NN prayers and positive energy sent her way.

She could be there for many weeks and she is very scared...understandably. I find it incredibly sad that girls this young will literally starve themselves to fit some perceived ideal. I just hope the help she gets now will really sink in so that she doesn't have to cope with this struggle throughout her entire adolescense.

Thanks in advance for your prayers and positive energy!!


New member
Sending much love and hopes for a good experience at the clinic..and that the lessons do strike a chord within her psyche. Something that might be looked the what is her biological fathers temperament is, what state-of-mind is the birthfamily in? Usually..around here..I have seen that IF..a young woman has a strong ego..she will not fall into the curse of undereating. If..she comes from a family with several 'areas of concern'..the diminished sense of 'ego'..makes it an easy seek 'the approval of others' ..compensation. That 'seeking'..takes the form of appear that others will see her. I fully understand many people go into any number of treatment centers..and spend address..their problems. In my mind..some of those long term situations..could be circling the glass walls of a center..for months. approach..with the few that I have seen..was abrupt. the above. Showing them..a mental picture. It is often amazing..what saying 'smash the glass walls..and come out to taste real life..your former life..was a mirage'. Have an apple with peanut butter..and..lets talk. Again..good luck..and best wishes as these things..take a toll on all the rest of the family members too. love, ina n HB


Super Moderator
Sending Nicole and her family lots of positive thoughts and prayers that they can overcome this. It's a terrible disease and takes its toll on the family as well as the patient.


New member
Positive thoughts and prayers dedicated to her.

I have a friend who was anorexic. Even after therapy etc, she still had this notion that she was fat. She never was fat, and still isn't fat.

A professor of ours, knowing of her struggle with these issues and her mental thought of what people saw her as, brought a huge huge piece of kraft paper to class one day.

He asked her to lie on the paper, and he drew her body outline on it with a black marker.

He then hung it on the wall for her to look at.
I will never forget the tears that rolled down her face, as she saw this outline of a slim girl before her. The realization.

KS Newf

New member
I will be praying for your niece and sending positive, healing thoughts for a full recovery. A full recovery without relaspse is possible. I am so sorry. I worked with this type of patient for seven years in psych hospitals. I was in a counseling support role, not medical but if you would like to pm me for support, I would be a good listener. Please come to NN for support often as this is a difficult treatment program for all. This NN family was invaluable for me when my mother died. I will never ever forget their kindness.


New member
Thanks everyone! Ina, you are right on. Robyn, what an interesting exercise your professor did. Sounds like it was a perspective your classmate hadn't seen before.

You guys are great.