Christmas Poop

Noreene Rodgers

New member
I just got back from my co's annual Christmas Party. We received gag gifts from the boss & his wife, plus a nice bonus.
They all know how nuts I am over my dog, and my gift was a beautiful calander of lovely landscapes with a big pile of dog poop in each one!

I Love it!
It's hysterical! Has anyone else seen this calendar?


Inactive Member
My brother bought me the Dog Poop calander last year. I've had it in my office all year. I especailly loved the November 2005 photo. A tiny gnome with a wheelbarrow full of poop. Looked like the gnomes people put out in their yards was doing a little clean up!

I think you can really judge someone's personality by how they react to a Dog Poop Calendar. Some people never mentioned it; although I knew they saw it many times. Others acted offended. And then there were the really cool people who found it amusing! Really the photos are actually quite nice!

Another great part of the calender was the little picture of the "contributor" of each little pile!
