Chat info


Super Moderator
Every Monday evening around 8:30 NN members join in a chat room. We talk about everything from our newfs to cameras to supplements...well just about anything. You are invited to drop in and check it out. You have to have Java. You can download it free at Here is the link for the chat. We will be looking forward to seeing you there!!

New link to chat room

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New member
Is it still there?
I just logged in and it was a load of ppl talking about sex and all things to do with that subject! I felt it would be inappropriate to say I wanted to talk about newfies...they would probably think it was a new position!!!


New member
chat rooms are individually owned and, if you deem it inappropriate that maybe just pop in and when the subject is to your liking than chat.


New member
Were you in the Newf Net chat Looby Lou? I wasn't there last night, but that doesn't sound like any of the conversations that usually take place - usually the talk is about Newfs and Newf related things, photography, figuring out where everyone is from, etc. Were you in the right chat room?


New member
probably do i find out?
Well...i tried about 7am my time in the UK...I guess i will find it tough to hook up with any of you with the time diff???


New member
It's just after 8am in the morning eastern standard time. Won't be anyone there now. You must have been in the wrong room LobbyLou. We Newfers may be a weird lot, but we keep it pretty clean.


New member
It's morning over here.

I just logged in there....nobody is there. I'll stay a few minutes to see if you try again.

I think I know what happened....when you logged on, there was probably a JAVA logo there, and your page may have said it was done loading but it wasn't (this happens to me everytime). Did you by chance click the link in the top that said Chat? That is a google link to another chat room.....and I bet that's where you ended up! Don't click there!

You have to wait until it actually says You have joined room: Newf_Chat and in red letters it will say Welcome to Our Live Chat. You will see your name on the side, and the name of other people.

For me it can take over a minute of nothing happening before I finally connect properly and get into the room.

Edited to Add: I just made a step-by-step with pictures showing how to get in

[ 05-01-2007, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: Black Newfs ]


New member
I am in chat now and it is empty. It is 8.10pm her in the UK. Is this just a quiet time generally?


New member
LoobyLou, You'll have to go into chat around midnight our time, sometimes even later, to get the gang, they are 5 hours behind us, on their east coast, getting longer and longer behind until you hit the west coast, which is 8 hours behind us lol!!
Always said, you guys were backward!!


New member
Ok.. I\m in chat now.. i will keep the window open so some of other side of the pond folks can see how it works... Oh Kathleen get in here ! LOL


New member
Aw sorry Susan, I was just having a quick check of email and looked on the board for a few mins, then I toddled off to the swimming pool.
Sorry I missed you.