bad ears


Active member
Since Raven got older she got bad ears though l know both parents suffer with them too.

Just got back off a weeks holiday and her ear is really sore again .:cry:
so monday when she gets her kennel cough vaccination she is going to get her ears swabbed to try and resolve the problem once and for all.


New member
My poor Sophie suffered chronic ear infections all her life. Was on every antibiotic, probiotics, cleaners, etc.
A few years ago we decided to try a then new treatment. It's a solution that is applied directly deep into the ear canal. It consists of Baytril and a type of cortisone.
These injections worked tremendously well for Sophie. Kept her ears clear for 6-9 months. I liked that she didn't have to take so many abx, since she suffered chronic UTI's also.
Ask your vet about it. Only "drawback" is that it has to stay in the ear for seven to ten days and you can't put anything else in the ear during that time. I would just take a cotton ball and wipe the top of the ear flap off if it looked gunky.


New member
I agree with the treatment that is injected directly into the ear canal...LuLu Belle had it done and it was problems and it is so much easier than applying ointment when dogs don't like their ears touched. The other thing we use for Jake because his is chronic is Zymoxx and that works wonderfully too.


Active member
I use Zymox and Piriton atm but dont like using stuff constantly.

I suspect either pseudonomas or allergy issues but want to know now.


New member
Sophie's cultures grew out pseudomonas. That's when we switched to the injections. Always prior her cultures just grew yeast and other types of bacteria.


Active member
Well Raven has a yeast infection in her ears so we are taking Luna back tomorrow to get her ears swabbed and will probably end up treating them both at the same time and then if it doesnt improve or clear up then we will reswab and culture again


New member
Maggie also had terrible ears. When she grew psuedomonas we had to use a specific antibiotic as it was very resistant, so be sure to have it cultured.

After that, the baytril mix worked best for her when she had a flare up.

But we realized that she would flare after she ate grains - specifically wheat, so once we made sure that she was not having that (in treats, etc) it was soooo much better. You might be dealing with something similar.