attacked by a dog!


New member
i was attacked by a dog while walking ozzy at my trailer park(seasonaL) the dog got loose while the owner was putting it out on its tieout. it was the most terrifying thing i have had happen to me!! ozzy was completely untouched but i ended up with the top of my finger almost severed(the top of the bone is also crushed) and bites all up the back of my leg. this was a med size dog that hates other dogs but has never shown any agrression to people. he was after ozzy but i was first in line. it happened very fast but ozzy did not once clue in that we were being attacked and just wanted to play with the dog and the people who came to help me!!LOL!!!he is definately not a guard dog!! anyway i know wounds heal but i have never been afraid of a dog in my life, how can i prevent the fear i am starting to feel when i have to take the dog out???


New member
wow that dose sound scary i was atacked when i was a little kid but i never was afraid of dog before or after. i have no advice thou. i hope you heal in all ways. i am so sorry this happened to you.

Mrs Beblo

New member
Oh you poor thing!
Being a person that is already terrified of dogs, I can tell's not easy!
Everywhere I go, I'm always on the lookout.
When I walk Buford, I only walk "the safe" route.
My neighbors know that I may, at any given moment, come bolting thru their doors at any given moment.
My only advise for you, someone that wasn't previously afraid of dogs is to try & go with the mindset that just because a PERSON was rude to you, doesn't mean that all people are rude.
Same for the dogs.
Maybe a can of mace would help as well.
Good Luck!

[ 08-08-2007, 02:23 PM: Message edited by: Mrs Beblo ]


New member
I'm so sorry this happened to you - how is your hand? Are you having surgery? About ten years ago shortly after I got married my husbands dog attacked my cat even though they had lived together for a few months. I got between them and I wound up breaking my ring finger in three places. I had to have 6 pins put in to hold it together and I had two surgeries on the hand. I still can't pick up little coins and things with my left hand. I'm not sure what they do for crushed bone in hand. Did they reattach the tip? By the way, my husband still insists my cat started it! I hope you feel better.


Active member
I am so sorry this happened to you. I was charged at 3 times by a very mean dog a couple of months ago. The dog was actually after Rocky but I was in front. I was very upset by the whole ordeal and it took me a few times out with Rocky to feel more confident that nothing bad was going to happen. Although we never went back to the "scene of the crime" again! I do carry mace with me if I am walking him alone.(at my husbands insistence.) Every once in a while I do "flashback" to that day, esp. if we come upon the same type of dog. But it doesn't stop me from getting out to walk them. I am sending healing thoughts your way.


New member
Sorry to hear that happened. Hope your ok. When I was a kid, my neighbors german shepherd jumped their fence into my backyard and straight for me. I had a racket in my hands and was able to fight him off until I got out of my backyard. Today I still carry a slight fear of them. There are two that play with the gang Roger & Merlin play with. I'm not afraid of them but I noticed they are the only ones I have not petted. I ignore them instead of feeling fear. They behave very well and are friendly.

KS Newf

New member
This is horrible, and I am so sorry! How terrifying!! Dogs can be deadly as was obvious here!!!! Perhaps mace or pepper spray is the way to go. I am glad it wasn't worse ( although it was certainly plenty bad enough) and again, I am so sorry. I think this should be reported to the authorities. What if this had been a child!! This animal does not sound safe to me. Perhaps you should ask around and see if this has happened before. Sending prayers and positive healing thoughts to you beginning right now!!

[ 08-08-2007, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: KS Newf ]


New member
Oh my gosh Patty, I'm so sorry that happened!! How is your hand?? What did your neighbor with the dog say? That's just crazy!! Sending lots of prayers for quick healing!


New member
How frightening for you. I'm so sorry. Healing thoughts being sent to you for physical healing and inner healing. I am a survivor of a severe dog attack and it does take a while to get over it. Just give yourself some time. When you are ready, surround yourself with other dogs that you know and trust (maybe other newfies). That should help with some of that healing. Take care of yourself.

Pam G

New member
Oh boy..that is so frightening. I hope you heal quickly. Just curious, did you speak with the owners. This could have been even more serious if it was a small child.
Sounds like they need to have that dog evaluated.


New member
Oh no...How frightening. Sending healing thoughts your way.

My mom got bit once on her mail route. The people took the dog off of a tie out and forced it to go over and see her when it didn't want to. When the dog got there, it bit her. She's okay around other dogs now, but there for a while she didn't trust any strange dog....especially of the breed that bit her...


New member
All I can suggest, after dealing with fears I have, is to 'Face The Fear, And Do It ANYWAY!'
I would also talk to the woman re: her dog and what HER responsibility is, because she has a LOT!


New member
How very scary Patty ... I'm so sorry this happened to you... I don't have advice on how to cope but I wish you much strength ...


Super Moderator
Sorry to hear about your ordeal. You know the dog's owner is responsible for all your medical bill and you could get some compensation for pain and suffering. Accidents happen but the owner should still pay all your medical expenses.


New member
Sorry to hear this happened to you. I used to deliver newspapers back when one would carry them door to door. I know what it is like to be bitten. Walking with a baseball bat just gets too awkward. You can carry mace which will at the right moment be sprayed in the wrong direction. I would suggest investing in a portable air horn the type that annoying people used to bring to sporting events. You can find them at boating supply stores. They are small VERY LOUD and if anything else it makes people look and they hurt when you throw them at something.

Sue M.

New member
So sorry that happened to you! The owner should be responsible for any medical bills incurred from this. You are having it checked out, right? You should definitely have a talk with these people or get the trailer park management to have a talk with them. If the dog did this once, he'll probably do it again and the next time, someone could be injured even worse.
I certainly hope this doesn't cause you to be fearful everytime you go out and you shouldn't have to. That's exactly why you should take some kind of action. At least if you say something to the park management, they have an incident on record. Also, you would be wise to take pictures of your injuries. And I'd get the owner to show you proof the dog is up to date on his shots.

Try not to be afraid.

[ 08-08-2007, 04:11 PM: Message edited by: Sue M. ]