Are You Freaking Kidding Me


New member
This was taken a few minutes ago. Wind has since picked up and it is blizzard like. Mother nature is a bitchy tease as yesterday people were jogging in shorts and runners. :grrr::grrr:


New member
Same here... Snowing all day, heavy wet.. Schools closed, but wind has not started yet. Thanks for the warning!


Wayne A

New member
Blowing and snow like crazy. I got snow blower going yesterday so I though maybe we would get missed, Not. LOL . At least I can blow it tomorrow. Too windy and no sense until it's over.

MC Sullivan

New member
Heavy snow, wind, and ice all day today. I'm in the 12+ accumulation area but look who loves the snow.

Then a little snuggle time!



New member
Heavy snow, wind, and ice all day today. I'm in the 12+ accumulation area but look who loves the snow.

Then a little snuggle time!

You can really see the devil in that red head in the first shot.... And the 2nd and 3rd... SIGH....... :heart::heart::heart:


New member
We had 75 degrees and sun on Tuesday and yesterday we had thankfully spitting snow but 45 mph winds, so the wind chill was 18 or something. Of course, I was doing a tour which is 1/3 outside for a group of 2nd graders. I was miserable and doctored myself the rest of the day. Congested and coughing today, and it's still cold. Changing world is right!


New member
We are so sick of winter. I don't even mind the snow so much, but its been sooooo cold! Then we've had a couple of sunny days, just enough to melt the top layer and make ice!

I usually get out to the park to walk even in the winter but with all the ice and being pregnant its too dangerous to go. I'm so sick of being stuck in the house! Even our yard is almost off limits. I just stand there and throw toys/balls to play fetch with Maggie.
