Anal Gland Issues?


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Elvis is going to the vet at 4pm today for what I believe to be some anal gland issues.

It started at 4:30am yesterday morning when he barked a few times. Elvis is NOT a barker and he's certainly not one to be awake before 9am every day. I checked on him and he seemed fine and not interested in getting up, so I went back to bed. He was fine when I left for work at 6:30am. My husband got him up around 9am and said he went outside just fine, did everything like normal, and chowed down on breakfast.

When I got home at 3:30 yesterday afternoon Elvis wasn't himself. He ran to meet me (normally he's sleeping) and whined at the door. He had just been out at 3pm and pooped, which is rare. You can set your watch by his morning/evening bathroom breaks. At 3:30 he tried to go again but nothing came out. He was pacing inside and wouldn't sit down, so I took him on a walk to see if it would take the edge off. It did, and he came home and passed out until dinner time. I went over every inch of him and couldn't find anything wrong.

Last night around 9pm we started to smell his glands. He's expressed them before in the car (so gross) so we're well aware of what that's like. He'd been laying down in the hall and when he got up there was some clear liquid on the floor by his rear. He went out to pee and seemed fine......but the smell. Ugh. I lfited his tail and took a good look, and everything looks fine. Nothing is red, swollen, draining, or looks wrong at all. He's not licking or dragging his bum on the floor.

He slept through the night with no barking. This morning, however, he's clearly uncomfortable. He's walking kind of hunched over, like dogs do right before they poop. He did poop this morning and it looked like it normally does. We haven't changed his diet or activity. He's still not dragging on the ground, but the smell seemed worse this morning. He let me lift his tail and again, everything still looks fine and completely normal.

Basically I have no idea what's going on. My husband is home with him now and says he's been sleeping all morning (not rare) and hasn't whined to go back out or anything. I just hope later on we'll have some answers and some relief for our poor guy.


Active member
Well as it turns out I was completely wrong. He has a giant hot spot on his scrotum. They shaved the area really well and put him on an antibiotic. I already Gold-bonded him when we got home and he's sulking in the corner with his cone of shame.


New member
Heal quickly Elvis...ouch! Chumley has occasional anal gland issues. On those days when I can't do the full shower to clean him up, I use Nature's Miracle Skunk Odor Remover back there. I wipe with a water soaked rag on the mucous membranes and use a rag soaked odor remover on the fur. It really works to remove the odor.


Active member
Yea.....he's certainly not too comfortable. He's also down to 128 pounds, so he got extra cookies and some peanut butter last night. He didn't appreciate the cone being on overnight and let us know, but keeping him sufficiently powdered seems to help take the edge off. I'm not doing any listerine due to the razor burn but hopefully the antibiotic he's on will help clear this thing up pretty quickly.

We just feel like the worst dog parents EVER for completely missing this. Next summer he's getting his belly and inner thighs shaved, that's for sure!


New member
Heal soon, Elvis.
And be sure to keep your best sad, pouty face on at all times to maximize the opportunities for extra PB and cookies!


New member
oh my lord, poor Elvis! Bet he'd rather it had been the glands. Ouch! (and no, you're not the worst parents ever. I constantly surprised at my missed diagnosis of why one of them is acting a particular way....which is why I'm not the vet!).


Active member
Thanks everyone. The hot spot is nearly gone and he's been back to his normal, lazy self. He does have a completely naked rear end and has earned the nickname "Baboon Butt".......but all fur grows back eventually and he won't be this immodest for long!