Alternatives to the post op "cone"?


New member
Has anyone used anything other than the cone for their dog that works? Pari is a LICKER on her shaved areas. But she is also a fiasco with a cone - walks into doorways so that it jams into her, knocks things over, has walked with her head down and stuck it into the carpet....

Since she'll be in this thing for a while, I'm thinking I should pro-actively get her an alternate, but I'm hoping for recommendations on what really works........


New member
What about a comfy cone? They're soft/bendable and the dog can rest comfortably and doesn't know over as much stuff? There's also bite-not collars that look sort of like a neck brace with a strap that goes around their bodies behind their front legs....


New member
I'll look at them. I'm hoping people have tried some of these to let me know if they really do work. If not, I'll take a deep breath, order one and cross my fingers! I always have the cone for back up. :D


New member
I've used the comfy cone. It totally works, provided the dog isn't Nanook and doesn't manage to flip it inside out so that it looks more like a cape...

and it is nice and soft, and won't get stuck in doorways etc.


New member
I love the Bitenot Collar!!!! I use it on Shannon when she get's a hot spot. It restricts her from reaching the area, but her head isn't confined to the inside of the cone.


New member
We tried a couple, one that was inflatable and looked like a life preserver. Hated that one. Then we got the bitenot collar and that was the ticket. It worked really well, but I can see if you have a big dog and they are intent on licking their hind legs or feet, that they might be able to maneuver to do it. Since we just had to keep Poppy away from her tummy, it worked like a charm. And I sure loved not waking up to the crash of things falling off of my nightstand as she tried to turn around in the Cone of Shame.