A while back I realized I had a very large dog...


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...recently, I'm discovering that I actually have a GIANT dog. His back is definitely widening---and not with chunk. It seems like no matter how carefully we feed him, his ribs are fighting to stick out. I think we are in the midst of an 18 month growth spurt. His fur is totally wacky. He has patches of long, glorious, soft fur... and some patches that are still soft and fluffy puppy fur. He is starting to get a mane, though. The fur on the backs of his legs is starting to grow longer, too.

"Hold it..."

Can I get a belly rub?

Legless newfers.

Look how nicely I guard this beef from other members of the household who might want to steal it...

I love when we "sit" together and read before the kiddies go to bed.

I took this photo this morning when I went out to my van to find a police car blocking me in. Then I noticed the horror that Darwin causes to the grass. The landscapers just pull out the yellow spots.

These are the kitties. Mr. Kitty is gray, Bali is.. well... the Balinese. I keep hoping one day they make friends with Darwin.
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We have the same problem with Yogi and his ribs! There is just to much extra growing skin that moves around ;)


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You may be about to have an "adult" on your hands! Lookin' good Mr. Darwin!
(And I love those kitties! If they don't become friends, at least you can hope for a truce!)


New member
You may be about to have an "adult" on your hands! Lookin' good Mr. Darwin!
(And I love those kitties! If they don't become friends, at least you can hope for a truce!)
We love our kitties. Bali came to us from the ASPCA... she is clearly purebred, with a bit of a crossed-eye. We are thankful every day that the breeder opted to bring her there, instead of doing something worse. Mr. Kitty--we got two weeks after we got married, nearly ten years ago. He is the best pet either of us has ever had--he never causes any trouble, never makes a fuss, loves everyone unconditionally. He has moved from NYC to Los Angeles to San Mateo.

Bali and Darwin are starting to have a truce of some sort.. like Darwin will stand outside the gated second bathroom where we feed the cats. The kitties will hear the bin being opened, and will want to hop over the gate. Darwin will be there--with his hopeful doggy-ness thinking we will give him THEIR Six-fish instead of giving it to them. Bali will finally get up the nerve and just go past Darwin, bapping him with her tail as she goes. She's less afraid/nervous than she used to be... but she isn't really sure what she thinks of him.

Mr. Kitty on the other hand... yeah, no. That ship will NEVER SAIL.


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He is growing up so fast but he still is all puppy. I couldn't believe the changes I still saw with Henry between his fourth and fifth year.


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Sometimes its easy to forget exactly how large they are until you compare them with other dogs! A visit to the pet store will quickly remind you! :bear: