A Joke To Brighten Your Holiday

A joke to brighten your Holiday A little boy was going with his Mom to visit Grandma. They went through Security early, and had time to kill. All was going well when the little boy began asking questions, as little boys do."Mom, there are baby puppies, and baby kittens, baby elephants and baby squirrels, but no baby airplanes...WHY"Mom explained that airplanes didnt have babies, but the little boy just kept on.Finally, exasperated, she told him to ask the attendant once they got on the plane.When the attendant was passing out drinks, the little boy cornered her.Again he asked "There are baby puppies, baby kittens, baby elephants and baby squirrels, but no baby airplanes...WHY??"The flight attendant said, "Did you ask your Mother??"The little boy explained yes, but she had told him to ask the attendant.So the Attendant answered:"Son, we have no baby airplanes because we are Southwest and we ALWAYS pull out on time.....ask Mom to explain THAT to you!!!!!"

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." -- Thomas Edison

Mary Shelby
Cedar Valley Newfoundlands


New member
Very cute- I am told by my ex MIL that when my ex FIL asked the doctor about birth control (circa 1935) the answer was- you take your cigar out of your mouth before you spit don't you!!!!!


New member
I'm at work this Thanksgiving morning...very good!!! put a grin on my face and Emma Lou's was just as good!!!:D:D:D