A hilarious afternoon walk


New member
Newf lovers,

I had something very funny happen yesterday. I had the BossMan out on patrol, and we passed 4 young girls, two clutching dolls who must have been about 1st graders, acting like they wanted to come and pet him, but were terribly shy.

I encouraged them to advance, knowing Boss adores young kids (with his tail moving back and forth with enthusiasm) and the two bravest came first, but hesitantly. The other two stayed back, but acted like they wanted to get in on the petting too.

Just as the Brave Girls put their hands on him, I saw him do the 'head-down shake-em-up' and one huge loogie was launched skyward. I watched in horror as it climbed high in the sky, and then began it's descent, figuring it was bound to nail one of these girls on some body part within seconds.

Nope. It hit BossMan square on the top of his head. Immediate cries and hastening of backing away as far as they could get! "What IS that?" I was laughing too much at this point and just told them he was a slobbery dog, but they continued with "Is THAT a booger?" "EEEiii---it's So Thick".

I couldn't quit laughing. BossMan was immediately personnae-non-gratis and we continued on our walk.

But just another example of how this breed ain't for the 'average joe'!!

Sara Grier in KC
BossMan (newf) and AlleyKat (rescue mutt)
Bernese Beren forever in our hearts 7-99 to 9-08
Newf Sunnyside's King Kong 1979-1989
Bloodhound 'curse of' Holmes 1979-1989


New member
:roflmao::!rolling::roflmao: :heart:
I love it !!!! Newfs are definitely the coolest of the Cool !!! :cool::cool::cool: