A first...


New member
Well - my boy is 15 weeks old. We've had a rough 2 weeks but got a good laugh today. Silly me thought I would have a bit longer with the no shedding, puppy breath, and no drooling (excluding the massive water leakage after he drinks). Well our boy is a drooler...no doubt about that. Today before I could wipe him, he dropped a big flooger on my bathroom floor and I went flying in my flip flops.....I now know whats in store = )


Active member
Consider yourself Newfed!!

The sooner you accept this is your life now, the sooner you'll laugh when others freak out. One day you won't even remember the day you were fazed by a little slobber!


Active member
Oh boy! Now you can start practicing winding up the drool strings on your finger like thread on a spool. There's a certain finesse needed to make it appear effortless, so practice makes perfect! LOL!


New member
LOL I love it. He smoothly slimed the other puppies in puppy class. The trainers couldnt help but point it out -with a good nature. I dont know how the owners felt about it. Also he got thirsty and had a drink...naturally there was a large pile of wetness on the ground and I had to assure everyone it was not pee! Then he got bored and laid in the water bowl.


New member
We were both so thrilled

when we both heard Samson shake his head with the accompanying jowel slappage for the 1st time...a monumental right of passage. We both laughed. You get very fast with the towel after one of his normal, submerging, bob for apples style, sessions at the water trough...Keep laughing, it's good for all of you
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