32 days..


New member
Not like i'm counting or anything.. 32 days until my due date, i'm going crazy, sleep is rare, preparations are moving along quickly at least, but it doesn't help to know we have the house on the market and it could sell anytime and we'd have to pack up and leave.

I remember the last month last time around, and things haven't changed really, still anxious for the big day, hoping every twinge is progress but knowing it's most likely not going to start early. Still cleaning up dog fur, I have no idea where it's hiding.

The hubby is still convinced the ultrasound is wrong for some reason and it's a boy, not a girl, but I kind of hope it's a girl because i've been through all the clothes from last time and almost 75% of them are obviously girl clothes and as much as I love buying baby clothes, they aren't really cheap and you don't get as much the second time around.

Oh well, wish me luck I guess.. the countdown is officially begun!


New member
Sending soothing wishes..extra energy..when most need it..and looking forward to the birth of a marvelous child..for all of you to cherish and delight in. Hugs, ina n HB n Kesa


New member
Good luck, and well wishes for a smooth delivery!

Don't worry though, my sister moved into their house a few weeks before giving birth to my first niece. It was probably brilliant on her part, think about it, she didn't have to lift or carry anything! Hopefully, your family is nearby and can help you with it.

R Taft

Active member
I always think of one of our Radiologist's........His wife was to have a girl and the baby was a gorgeous boy :lol: So much for all the experts looking at that Ultrasound :)

I wish just a healthy baby for you and hubby :), Ronnie


New member
wow what a busy life you have going on!!! good luck on all fronts!! please let us know asap when the baby comes!!!


New member
So...........................Being the evil thinker, what are you going to do if it gets to be day 33? Honestly good luck, and take it easy.
Good luck!! I remember with my baby #2 how ready I was for him to be born......he went 1 week over his due date!! Then to top it off he was 6 lbs heavier and 6 inches longer than my firstborn, so much for "easier the second time"! I pray that God grants you the patience and understanding you will need during this time!


New member
Still counting down, going stir crazy. Baby finally decided to shift head down yesterday, because now i'm finally getting kicked in the ribs (never thought i'd be looking forward to that!) 3.5 weeks left, i'm getting anxious. I thought the second time around it would be less nerve wracking, but I guess I was wrong. I'm looking forward to the baby's nap so I can get some shut eye as well!