1200 Dogs Euthanized at Kansas Kennel Due to Distemper Outbreak


New member
What's sadder, to me, is that *1200* dogs were even allowed to be housed on the property despite previous violations.... and that it's ok to reopen again in the future.

Newfs Forever

New member
Twelve HUNDRED dogs? The state needs to put that guy permanently out of business....
You bet! Even worse should happen to him!

Also, just heard on one of the sports channels that Michael Vick wants to get a dog for himself. That he feels as though this would help him to improve for his own sake. UGH! Think not, Mikey!


New member
I can't read it. As for Michael Vick well what I wish is against forum rules so use your imagination. I expect most of you wish the same thing for him.
Did I read correctly that he can be back in business within 6 months if he meets certain regulations??
Yes, Dawn you did. Pretty sad state of affairs isnt it?
A law was just passed here in MO that limits the number of dogs that can be owned by a commercial breeder to 50. IMHO, if they truly want to put a dent in the puppy mills, they need to pass laws that prevent the sale of puppies in pet shops.

I cant imagine 1200 dogs one one property. Even for large scale commerial "breeding" facilities, that number seems HUGE to me.


New member
This makes me ILL. As long as dogs are a commodity, I guess there will be people like this out there. He might be a nice guy (Doubtful) and just had some "Bad Luck" but 1200 dogs is way, way too many animals to take care of at one time. There is no way he could give the dogs their best care in that situation. Screams "puppy mill." And, as long as people BUY dogs from pet stores, people like this will stay in business.

At Christmastime especially it is really important to get the word out about pet store puppies!! :grrr::cussing2::grrr: