Recent content by WearingMidnight

  1. WearingMidnight

    Am I The Only One?

    Am I the only one who feels woefully lacking in grooming skills? Grooming Bri takes us quite literally six hours every time, yet at the end she still doesn't seem to look like the other beautifully groomed Newfies at the club gatherings and, of course, on here. Now granted, I'm a first time...
  2. WearingMidnight

    At My Wits End

    Poor Bri has just not had a good month health-wise. She's recovering from an ear infection and conjunctivitis that the vet thinks were brought on by environmental allergies. That's the good news. The bad news is that she's got bilateral entropion in her right eye. In addition to that she's...
  3. WearingMidnight

    She Did It!!

    I've put off Bri's CGC for a while since she's been so shy with new people in the past. After a lot of work she's gotten so much braver meeting new folks, so we went ahead and tried for her CGC. SHE PASSED!!! Not only did she pass the CGC with flying colors, the evaluator let her try for the...
  4. WearingMidnight

    Drafting on Hills?

    So we have some seriously steep hills in my area. They're no where near a gentle slope, it's like they want to be cliffs when they grow up. I've been working a lot with Bri on her draft training, and we're starting to work up to her distance haul, only problem is that there are lots of our big...
  5. WearingMidnight

    Holly & Bri's Secret Santa Fun

    Holly and Bri were very excited about their Secret Santa gifts. Ever since the presents arrived they've been snuffing the boxes and waiting patiently. Holly, having seniority, and being a generally pushy hound got to open hers first. She took that responsibility very seriously. A little...
  6. WearingMidnight

    Sleigh Bells

    Does anyone here use sleigh bells on their carts during the Holidays? Any ideas about how to? I'd really like to rig Bri's harness with some but I'm not sure about how to go about making something and where I would hang it on the harness/cart. Ideas?
  7. WearingMidnight

    5 y/o Newfie Girl, Olympia, WA

    Anyone else seen this? Very pretty girl. The family says they're moving and can't keep her. I've contacted them to see if I can put them in contact with the NCS. Anything else to be done?
  8. WearingMidnight

    First Groom!

    So, up until recently for some reason I was under the impression that all the Newfie fluff just kind of falls out and leaves behind well trimmed, even coated, shiny, glossy dog. I knew about all the brushing, but was naive about the trimming bit. Finally, with Bri over two years old I started...
  9. WearingMidnight

    Ideas for cross country transport?

    Early this year I picked up and moved across country from Seattle, WA to Athens, GA. Due to a variety of concerns I left Bri and Holly with my family in WA until I was situated and in a position to take them. Finally I have a steady job, car, own place, and sufficient income to get them back...
  10. WearingMidnight

    Two little Newf girls...

    Found these two babies on the local Craigslist. Not sure who to contact to make sure they find good homes...
  11. WearingMidnight

    Bri's First Snow!

    Snow has finally hit the city of eternal rain! After a little bit of snow on and off on Monday and Tuesday we woke up today to about 3 inches of snow! It didn't stop snowing until a few hours ago. Bri loves it! During walks she has her nose in the snow, trying to grab bits of snow to eat. Out...
  12. WearingMidnight

    Hi From Western Washington!

    Hello from the Pacific Northwest! I go by Kat, I'm an older teen, and the proud owner of two dogs. Holly is my five year old Coonhound mix. I've had her for over two years now, she's a complete doll, she loves "hunting" squirrels, begging, rawhides, and lying in front of the wall heater. Holly...