First Groom!


New member
So, up until recently for some reason I was under the impression that all the Newfie fluff just kind of falls out and leaves behind well trimmed, even coated, shiny, glossy dog. I knew about all the brushing, but was naive about the trimming bit.

Finally, with Bri over two years old I started wondering why on earth her coat hadn't started acting properly! Browsing through all the archived threads here I had a huge grooming epiphany, followed by a facepalm, followed by a quick shopping spree at the Groomer's Mall for our first MCK and thinning shears.

They arrived today and poor Bri has undergone her first total groom, bath, blow-dry, brushing, stripping, and trimming! She was a champ and she looks so much nicer. Got to admit, I'm pretty proud of myself too. I've got a long ways to go I'm sure, but for a first time taking shears to ANY creature I'm so pleased.

We'd just gotten back from a walk in the rain when I took the pictures, so she was a little damp.



Gorgeous! That is a lot of work as we all know.....such a nice reward for it though. Love Bri, what a pretty girl! Thanks for sharing. Tink does not enjoy grooming - we are lucky to get 15 minutes in at a time before she feels the need to remind us with her large teeth who really is in charge. ;)


New member
Thanks everyone! Here's a rather bad "before" shot. You can't see all the pants and feathers but you can tell that she naturally has a lot of floof on her head.

Bri's ridiculously tolerant, I'm so thankful she puts up with whatever I come up with. Poor baby, being the first Newf is hard! :D


New member
My first experience grooming Loki ended with the emergency vet and staples and a week of antibiotics.


You win this round, Midnight.


New member
You have done brilliant,I've groomed bernie but haven't trimmed him yet,not looking forward to that job lol but he's still getting used to been brushed