Hello from Manhasset NY


New member
Hi from "down the block" in Garden City. I have two girls and used to have 2 berners when my kids were young. My girls love their water bowls too, submerging their faces at any chance!


New member
Thank you all...
Some where Years ago i had seem a phase about Berners ..3 yrs puppy, 3 yrs good dog and 3 yrs old dog. Would anyone say that the phase would apply to Newfie's also?

Unfortunately our Berners lasted far less than 9yrs...But we enjoyed our time with.


New member

Roo is gorgeous ! Congratulations to both of you ! My name is Samson and I would swim in a coffee cup if you said it was OK since the day I hit the ground. Here's one of my lifeguard poses from last weekend.


New member
Cat, WOW that s a great picture of Samson, I love the intensity and of course those jowls...:) Nice looking Newfie!


New member
Thank you

I'll pass it on to him. He was waiting for his Floaty Wubba to get tossed again


New member
Mouthing and water play are both very normal for newfies.

We found that a teething pup did very well, if we gave it a frozen kitchen towel to gnaw on. (Wet a towel, wring it out, and put in a plastic bag in the freezer. Give as needed.)

Welcome to Newf Net!


New member
Roo is 3 1/2 months and the mouthing hasn't subsided. We do the frozen towel and if he's really really a good boy he gets a frozen mini bagel. He understands that mouthing is not behavior we tolerate, but he doesn't care..
The thing that drives me crazy is at the end of the night we all head for the sitting room to watch tv. I lay on the couch as the the alpha male should :) and he taunts me. He nose bumps me, mouths , and barks, I of courses say no no no and it intensifies. At that point I put him in the crate first for 3 min, let him out, it continuous, into the crate for 5 mins... Then again for 7 min. At that point he gives up and relaxes. This is usually after having done at a good walk around the neighborhood.

That's what drives me crazy..... Anyone have any recommendations for that behavior?

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
It is a good idea to keep the crate a positive experience and not for punishment. You have to be firm and let him know that is not acceptable behavior. But any time you are eye level with a dog, they not only think you want to play, but you also become an equal in status.


New member
Longer walks ? More often ?

So many centuries of experience here at newf.net and so many angles to approach your thread from...If I may be so bold as to offer this thought. From our experience, a good walk for us furbaby parents isn't necessarily gonna tire our Samson out. He was always soooo responsive to training and well-behaved after us parents felt like we REALLY went for a good walk. You have to work up to it, but ya gotta exercise them as often as you can during the whole day, even if it's just a few fetches and praise at that moment to get them moving. Don't forget to concentrate on the journey rather than the destination. Roo will be fine and so will you. It's like the teachers in school. If the student doesn't get it, they need to present it a different way. There are no bad students, just teachers who run out of different ways to present it to them. Read everything you can on this site and you will never run out of ways.


New member
P.S. Receive more\different inputs ?

Possibly post your mouthing concerns in the General Discussion Forum...Roo is 3 and a half months into your concerns and you may get more constructive comments with a different exposure rather than 4 pages of replies into the Welcome Wagon Forum ? Don't forget to breathe...


New member

I can't stop thinking about you and Roo...
It's been sooo long since we went through this phase with Samson, but rest assured, we all went through it. They can sense your emotions. It sounds corny and very Caesar Milan, but stay calm and be assertive. A firm "no" accompanied by your calming attitude will win over so many bad habits when accompanied with the repetition factor. You take the Alpha or else they will, at least until Alpha is firmly established. You and your whole family have to be Alpha. You know. Roo just hasn't learned to listen yet. Hasn't learned the adoring eye contact yet. Roo's not your first furbaby. Our crate is Sam's safe place, his clubhouse, if we even have it set up. Never a time-out spot. Pick somewhere else, perhaps one of his beds (and then you get to work on the "stay" command besides) LOL ! OK, I'll be quiet now.