Your Newfoundland Is Very Small!


New member
Edited to add: Wonder what those pedigree tests would say about "purebred" goldendoodles?
Should come back as Golden and Poodle just as advertised. If you could go back far enough our Newfs would come back as two or more non-Newf breeds as well indicating the foundation breeds used to develop the Newf. If they come up with a breed standard and do the work golden-doodles could become a recognized breed. The biggest thing that delineates a purebred from a mutt is a recognized standard.


Active member
Well, I've been guilty of calling other newfs small but only because I'm comparing them to Elvis, who is the only newf I've ever known. In fact, when I first met Jess B's Millie, the first words out of my mouth were "She's SO TINY!!" because she's so much shorter than Elvis. Sometimes (ok, all the time) I forget how abnormally tall Elvis is.


New member
Our pup's sire, whom I adore, strikes me as such a solid and handsome dog. To me he seems on the large side but I've been informed that he is barely 100 pounds.

Your pup is lovely. Maybe the tech is a cat person.


New member
It's funny how our point of reference can be skewed! Suki is on the little side compared to the other newf I meet sometimes (she's 108 lbs). But we met a male that was smaller than she is recently. Also, one day I met a great dane who rested his head on my chest just under my chin (I'm not tall, but I'm not THAT short!). When I went into the house and saw Suki I couldn't get over how little she looked after seeing the dane! So even my perspective keeps changing!