Yogurt ok


New member
Yes, we supplement with yogurt often. We use "live culture" yogurt (with lacidopholus) or however it's spelled. SARNewfie turned us on to the yogurt awhile back, I still to this day swear that yogurt is some kind of Newfie opium the way our kids go crazy over it.


New member
we add the live culture yogurt to our gangs food every day as well. But we make sure it's low fat, they really don't need the extra calories in the whole milk


New member
I read this thread yesterday and decided to give magie a little yogart. I don't know what happend but she threw up all night. She also has a slight case of the diareha this morning. Could she just be a dog who can't have yogart? I also know that a raw hide(gross...undigested) also came up hole. Could that just be a coinsidence that she threw up the same day as the yogart? I s there anything that is a big no-no to not give a newf? I now know I'm not going to give her those big flat rawhides anymore because she apparentlly swallowed it whole. I'd sure appreciate any advice on this because when they come up ill like this it's a mystery as to why. :confused: Thanks