Wondering When Puppy Becomes Adult


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I am wondering at approximately what age does a Newfoundland puppy finish growing? Bailey was eating 8 cups in a day at 11 months then dropped down to 6 cups of food in a day at 12months. She is now eating only 4 1/2 cups in one meal per day at 14 months. She weighs 109 pounds, walks about 6 km in a day, no health issues and lives in a cold place (7 months of winter) - Labrador, Canada. She did weigh 110 pounds at the end of January but has been staying at 109 pounds since the first week of February. The vet says she feels and looks to be a healthy weight. If she still grows (at a slower rate), will it be in height?
I heard that Newfs are slow to reach full growth, but I would think at 14 months most of her height growth is done. She will probably just fill out a little more. I also heard that some Newfs don't reach their full growth until around 2. My pup is 8 months and has consistently gained around 8lbs a months. She was just weighed by the vet today and weighed 85lbs. However, she is on the shorter side and is only 24.5 inches tall. I know that experienced breeders advise on waiting till 18 months to spay/neuter these giant breeds to allow the bones to grow and develop, so maybe that's a good indicator of when their bones stop growing. Your pup sounds like she is a good eater. Ella eats 1.5 cups of food three times a day, which is half of what she was eating at 5 months. I like to break her total food intake into 3 smaller meals to try and prevent bloat. How tall is she? I had many mastiffs that filled out after 12 months, but their height pretty much stayed the same, however, this is my first Newf so they could be different.


Active member
Not until they are closer to 3 years old, although the changes will be more subtle now. Her rib cage will probably expand some,but she may not add much in height. 109 - 110 lbs is great for a female. She's right in the middle of the desired weight range now and will probably put on a couple more lbs. in the next couple of years. but mostly it will be her "shape" that changes. Newfs are not supposed to be really tall dogs, and the desired profile is one that is longer than tall (rectangular). Have you measured her height?

If you're worried about how much you are feeding her, it sounds right to me. I split my dog's meals from 3 into 2 per day by the time they are around 7 months and each meal was about 2 rounded cups. After roughly a year, each of those two meals was about 1-1/2 cups per meal. But each dog varies according to it's needs, exercise, etc.

Also, I don't worry about their overall size if they are within the range for a Newf. I regularly feel their ribs to see if they are carrying a good weight or not. You should be able to feel the ribs, but also feel some flesh over them.
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New member
Bailey was being fed three times a day until the end of December when she started to refuse breakfast. Then, we decided to go to twice a day which worked for another month before Bailey refused to eat until dinner. So, she now only has the one meal - gobbles with enthusiasm. First thing in the morning, Bailey does get 4 small orange sections and two apples slices thrown in her water bowl to retrieve and eat. Just started doing this a week ago because I can't imagine going the entire day being active with nothing but a handful of training treats for energy. She loves fishing around for the fruit. We measured her height tonight and she is 27 inches high. She had her first heat at 10 1/2 months. We don't plan to have her spayed until at least 2 years old. My husband thinks her growth is over but, I was thinking she might still grow in height. We were told females were generally between 120 and 130 pounds. We just wanted to make sure that Bailey wasn't being underfed. She looks well-proportioned and her ribs can be felt slightly - not bony. Thanks for the advice.


New member
She will definitely still fill out some.

We just got a rescue girl in July when she was 17 months. Even since then (she just turned 2) she filled out quite a bit. She was underweight and we fixed that, but her rib cage has expanded and she got a little taller (only an inch or 2 maybe).

I would personally try to get her to eat 2 meals, even if one is smaller. That's a lot of food at one time.

A smaller dog is good so don't worry if she isn't 120+ lbs.


New member
Our girl just turned 2 and she is at 110 pounds...she is on the shorter side and looks and feels about right. I would try and feed 2 times per day as that is a lot of food to digest at one time. I do believe newfs don't fully mature until the age of 3...they tend to be easier at that age also...not so crazy...


Active member
The reason, I think, that she eats her bigger meal with gusto, now, is that she is hungry from having to go too long with out a meal. I'm concerned you may be increasing the risk of bloat with only one meal a day. Especially if she is gulping it down.

Divide the amount you are feeding into 2 meals. Give her 20 minutes to eat it. If she doesn't, then take up her bowl and then offer it at her next regular meal time. Believe me, she will learn quickly that if she doesn't eat her (smaller) meal, she won't get fed again until the next meal. It should only take a day or so for her to get it.

This, of course, is assuming that there isn't an underlying medical problem which causes her not to eat.
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New member
Ours just hit a growth spurt (length and height but no change in weight so far) at 2. He's been a fairly consistent 117 lately.


New member
I tried again to feed her in the morning after her hour long hike. She picked at it but, when it was given to her for dinner - down it went in a blink of an eye. Still, I will keep offering an early meal to her rather than only one at the end of the day.


Super Moderator
If you are feeding her after an hour long walk she may be too tired to eat. It is best to not feed your dog 1-2 hours before or after exercise to prevent bloat.


New member
Maybe for one night try cutting down the amount of food so that she is actually hungry in the morning. If she's eating 2 portions at night she may not be ready to eat again in the morning, thus continuing the cycle.


New member
Never thought of that. Good idea! We will see how this suggestion works tonight and tomorrow morning. She is having her regular bowel movements 2 or 3 per day.


New member
Yes. Divide her total food in half and feed twice a day. Once is just not good. Inviting bloat. And, she will grow more, just not as noticeable, more shape than height, but a little height, too, possibly.


New member
Today, Bailey successfully ate her two meals. She ate around 9:30 am rather than an early meal. We get up at 5:30 am here. Then, she ate again at 6:00 pm. Keeping my fingers crossed that it works again tomorrow. Thanks, everyone for all your advice.

R Taft

Active member
Maybe what you feed is not what she really likes, but eats it when she gets hungry. Like Jane, I will always make sure mine eat twice a day and definitely no gulping, even if it meant getting something to slow them down. We feed a Raw, so ours would eat ten times a day.......if allowed, they love their food.
Katy was a very late developer, she suddenly put a huge amount of height and frame on when she was three.... I think like people it depends.... I always say meet the parents and chat with the Breeder and ask what her lines do. breeders are awesome for all of this onfo


New member
Bailey is back to her two meals in a day. She seems to prefer eating later in the morning rather than earlier. Given how much she drools waiting for it and her speed heading to the dish, I think she's okay. Our breeder had said that Bailey would let us know when to eliminate and reduce the amount of meals as she reached adulthood. We just did not want to reduce her food or eliminate extra feedings if she was still growing. I appreciate everyone's suggestions and information.


New member
Just remember that twice a day is not extra feedings. It's what she should be getting Sounds like it's working now.

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
It sounds like you on the right track now. She should always get two meals. But you can play around with the amount in each meal so it suits her needs.