Winter Paw Hair


New member
Hi Gang - We just got a good snowfall and Troy is loving it. Something new though - after about 10 minutes, he's almost frantic about lying down and chewing the little icy balls out of his feet. I'm much more diligent than I used to be about keeping his feet well trimmed. I see SAR said she leaves a little more hair on the pads in the winter. I'm wondering how much - don't want him to lose his traction, but don't want his little (!) feet to freeze either. There is no irritation anywhere - I've checked. Thanks!


Inactive Member
otherwise try doggy boots...he'll have traction AND wont freeze his wittle feetsies of either....provided he will keep them on


New member
Actually (and you can ask Annie!), I have some for him, but no, he takes one off as I put another one on (to the endless amusement of my hubby, Bob)! Thanks, though!


Super Moderator
I keep all the hair trimmed out of my newfs paws year around. They were outside playing today from 7 A.M. to about 11A.M. I had to make them come in. I thought they probably needed to thaw a bit. :rolleyes: I checked for ice balls and they didn't have hardly any. Also if you put vaseline or spray the paws with Pam it will keep the ice balls from forming.

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
Liz, you have got to let me know if you decide to put vaseline on "His Royal Blob-ness's" feet! I'll be right over, cause I wouldn't want to miss it!

Good tip though....


New member
Thanks, everyone, for the responses. I'll maybe cut the hair down even more! And Annie, I'll be sure to call if I ever vaseline his feet! Will definitely try cutting the hair even more first though!