

New member
My boy puppy tux (4.5 months) is a lil whiner it seems. I dont know if something is wrong or he is just whining for attention. He doesnt seem in pain or sick or anything, he just lays there and whines sometimes, he wont be in his cage or anything, just laying around. Im guessing hes just wanting attention. Anyone else have a puppy that whines alot? Ive had him since 8 weeks so its not the i want my mommy whine.


New member
My Newf never whines but the German Shepherd....oy, yoy, yoy...she's a major whiner. It's a breed thing but it's such an annoyance. I used to try to shush her but I've asked the experts how to stop the whining. The advice.......ignore it. REALLY ignore it as in theatrically turn away, get up and go to another room, don't correct it verbally. Keep some goodies in your pocket at all times. Praise, praise, treat and praise some more for NO vocalizations. Good luck, I hope it's just a puppy phase and he's finding his voice.


New member
Maggie is a sigher and grumbler, not so much a whiner. She never stops. It's especially bad if she gets banishsed to the kitchen without us. It starts with a dramatic flop on the floor and then the sighing starts.


Sadie is vocal for things that are necessary such as potty or something is not right. For attention she likes to bring a toy to me or jump up on my shoulder to encourage me to leave my computer. Sometimes she will grumble if she doesn't get her was. It's kind of cute the way she does it. Once in a while she will want to shout at me with a bark of disagreement. That is when we take a trip to the "Chamber of Disagreement". It is here she can reflect upon the commands, "quiet, no teeth, no bite, and don't you eat that poo!". LOL BTW, the chamber is plush with a tile floor, closed toilet, hidden TP, and a soothing exhaust fan. Matthew wanted to know if he disagreed with me could he go to the C.O.D. with Sadie. I am still thinking that one over. LOL


Active member
That's how Piper, (KN) Penny Whistle, got her name. She lays at my feet and produces a high, almost reedy, fife-like whine (similar to whistling through your front teeth) in order to get my attention. It's very cute and effective, as is her "Get me it NOW!", bark. LOL!

Hugo, on the other hand, believes actions speak louder than words. His efforts to have me take notice are much more comical and equally effective.
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New member
Sadie is vocal for things that are necessary such as potty or something is not right. For attention she likes to bring a toy to me or jump up on my shoulder to encourage me to leave my computer. Sometimes she will grumble if she doesn't get her was. It's kind of cute the way she does it. Once in a while she will want to shout at me with a bark of disagreement. That is when we take a trip to the "Chamber of Disagreement". It is here she can reflect upon the commands, "quiet, no teeth, no bite, and don't you eat that poo!". LOL BTW, the chamber is plush with a tile floor, closed toilet, hidden TP, and a soothing exhaust fan. Matthew wanted to know if he disagreed with me could he go to the C.O.D. with Sadie. I am still thinking that one over. LOL

That is hysterical! :yawn:

Jorge's mum

New member
Stanley doesn't whine unless he feels I am not getting ready quick enough to take him for his walk! Jorge whines all the time he sounds like a smoke alarm when the battery is going..he kinda whistles!!lol usually if he wants attention..his bone....a walk...his food...a brush!!! lol


New member
Jetta doesn't whine but Sophie is an actress that uses whining/sighing to make her point, especially when it come to her breakfast. If we decide to sleep in on the weekend, the sighing begins, first at the bottom of the stairs leading to our bedroom. Next, the climb up the stairs and the plop on the landing, followed by the sighs every thirty seconds or so. Then if we don's respond, she gets up, walks into our room and dramatically plops with a long sigh, which then continures to we finally get up.
I am not talking about sleeping until noon. If I am not moving by 8:30, the show begins!


New member
Sandy, that sounds like Poppy! She doesn't really whine, but she definitely sighs, like a teenager! And she will also put her head on my bed. At times, I wake up to find her rightthere!


New member
My Sophie is a champion whiner. Sometimes it has a purpose (feed me, let me in, let me out, go to BED already!) but sometimes she just flattens herself on the floor and has herself a good existential whine for the heck of it. When I have the temerity to leave without her...don't even go there. It's ugly.:p