We're losing Guinness


New member
We faced similar decisions last year, when we let Maggie, and then Brenna go, right after their 12th birthdays. While they still had some dignity left, but were clearly pressing on for our sakes, and not theirs. We feel your pain.


New member
GAD, I am so very sorry. I remember when you guys first got the beautiful boy then named Grimace and how you won the battle to name him Guinness. I was so happy you'd let another Newf into your loves. I am heartbroken for you all over again, but am so incredibly glad he was able to spend so many years with such an incredible family. Sending absolutely every ounce of my love to you guys, and a giant kiss on the snoot to the big guys. Michelle


New member
Yes. I was just checking in on him, kind of with my eyes closed because I didn't really want to see. I remember Grimace too. Such a wonderful story and such a wonderful life, and such a wonderful dog.


Staff member
He's still with us. He gets confused some, but then he gets excited to see me and mashes his head into my lap for some scritches.


Active member
Just seeing this. Glad he is rallying to stay around for a while longer. Smart boy laying under the desk. He wants to be with his person and feel the love. Newfs never cease to amaze me and I feel so blessed to have had the experience of being a special person to one. Cheers to Guinness!


Super Moderator
AWE. I'm so sorry. I hope you enjoyed the last few days with him. You and your family are in my prayers.


Staff member
Last night he had some issues where his rear legs seemed to just stop working and he could no longer get up. Hours later he was going up and down the stairs. Today, though, he wasn't right. He wouldn't eat, wouldn't drink, and was constantly trying to hide (looking for a den). On top of that, he was only comfortable sitting up and he had stopped coughing but he wasn't breathing well. He was clearly distressed, and Lauren and I knew it was time.

He was hiding under my desk which was his favorite spot these past few days as it it seemed to be the only place he felt safe. We got the family together and we all sat with him on the floor. The mobile vet came and handled everything brilliantly. After the first shot that calmed him his breathing slowed and he relaxed and before we went any further I knew he was better off.

He left us surrounded by everyone, Annie included.

We toasted the old boy appropriately:
