Well, We Couldn't Stand It


New member
We lasted almost two weeks being dogless. It was absolutely awful, so I got on the net and found what looked and sounded like a mini-Newf up for adoption by our local Humane Society. Upon arrival, though, the poor dog was a train wreck, growling fiercely and a fence jumper. She had been horribly beaten and choked to unconsciousness and hated all men and loud children. Why she was up for adoption, I don't know, but while we were trying to decide what to do my husband walked down the row and two spaces away he saw something that made him stagger - not a Newf - but a littler version of our Flaget. A Lab mix of some sort who is very friendly, very quiet, very trained, very house broken, very crate trained, very gently, very everything. Needless to say, she's very comfortable now on Moonlight's old rug. Daisy will be our foundation dog for our rebuilding of our dog family. She will be perfectly able to train those to come, and my husband is in love again. Now, on to Newf Rescue. I will try to post a picture.
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New member
There she is. Sorry it's so big. Not good at this. She's about 1/3 Moonlight's size, but she's a very good girl

Bailey Boy

New member
Daisy is a beautiful little girl :)

I hope the other pup will find peace after the all that was done to her. The devoted barn comes to mind they might be able to help her.