Water training


New member
Sampson will swim and retrive his bumper for hours on end and we have to drag him out of the water at days end but we cannot seem to get him to jump in off the end of the dock. I jump out or swim to the end holding his prize and he paces back and forth at the end of the dock before running back and wading in to swim out - any suggestions?


New member
If there is another dog in the area that jumps off, you could try to have the other dog show him.. I'm sure there are many more ideas out there...


New member
How high is it? It may be too high. Best way to start is have him jump off a rowboat with a platform in shallow water. That's not always an option. Perhaps jumping off something not quite so high on land? Short grooming table? Deck? Parkbench?

Whatever you do-don't push, pull or force him off-this can spook him from wanting to do it again.

Connie w Tuck

New member
Start at the first building block. Teach the word Jump. Out of the car, off the couch, off the bed "Jump". Land work in the yard - on a platform - teach the work "jump". Then on a platform in the shallow of the water - "jump". (only 3-5 jumps each of the above).
He needs to have confidence. And like Mark said - do not push. On the platforms jump with him. It takes time. Some dogs are born jumpers. Some dogs are born retrievers. Just be patient and it will come. Tuck jumps off a boat - I don't think he would jump off a dock - especially if it is more than 3 feet higher than the water.
Good Luck - Connie.