Velcro and Newf hair?


New member
My Harls is mostly white and his hair accumulates on every strip of velcro on every garment I own. My new parka is dark blue and inside of a couple of weeks the velcro on it is inundated with Harley "fluff" that stands out like a sore thumb.

Anybody got any clever "fixes" for this issue?


New member
The parka was a gift - not much choice there.... I'm looking for a method of removing the hair without damaging the velcro.
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New member
I guess it could be said that if you don't want Newf hair in your velcro there are three ways to go....

1. Get used to appearing in public covered in hair.
2. Eliminate the velcro.
3. Eliminate the Newf.

Number three is simply NOT an option!