Update on hubbys legs


New member
And the good news is, that the cardiovascular surgeon checked Johns legs today. The pulse on the right leg is weaker than on the left, they are going to take him into the hospital, in 2 or 3 weeks and put some dye into his body to find out exactly where the arteries are narrowing.
The surgeon reckons that it's not too bad and they are going to try and widen the arteries, at the same time as they take the x-rays.
Surgeon says that with a tiny bit of luck, that will work and all will be well, after it. Of course we are still trying to quit smoking, (we've cut it down a lot) and will have to be careful about diet too.
I think the first doctor who saw John, may have panicked a bit, hence the talk of amputation etc., but that's ok., I would rather have over concern that way as any other, since that's what made me search for a hospital with a shorter waiting list in the first place.
I'm still certain N-N prayers and good thoughts helped to bring this good news to us. I thank you all again and again.
This might sound daft, I knew I was worried, but didnt realise just how worried, until the doc., gave us the good news!
Thank you all!


New member
Deep inhale..and relaxing breath here. Thank you for 'reaching in' to us..and bringing us up to date..and now you can both have a wee nip of something relaxing, and enjoy the planning of things like new hikes, fresh garden enhancements..and things you might have wanted to plan..but worried about surgerys. Now..you can look forward..with fun in mind. Hugs a bunch, love, ina

KS Newf

New member
I am so glad to hear this good news, also!! Prayers for healing and positive healing energy continue streaming your way!!


New member
great news.....on the mend is onward and upward....sending prayers your way for a full recovery


New member
Glad to see the update. Was thinking about you this weekend as I was talking to my friends from Cumbria online. Glad to hear things are looking up.... Now, all I need to do is get myself over there so I can come and get a newfy fix!!

positive thoughts from here...


New member
It's good to hear that they may be able to widen the arteries and keep the circulation going. You both must have been quite frightened of having him lose his legs. Continued prayers for you both.


New member
Thanks for your good thoughts everyone.
It is going to be Johns 60th birthday and our 26th wedding anniversary on the 23rd May. We've never held any kind of celebrations before, (just a quiet dinner for two at the most).
We are positively having a party on Sunday 27th May at my cousins bowling club.
(He's the president, so we get the hall cheap lol!!)
ALL ARE WELCOME, I mean it, anyone who could possibley get her, GET HERE!! LOL.

There's tons of room and places to stay, most of my pals have spare rooms or at least floor space and all are happy to put someone up!lol
Hannah I sent you a pm a while ago, but I dont know if you ever received it, so if your coming over to see your pals in Cumbria, your not that far away!


New member
It's great to here you've had so much better news. Thanks for letting us know.

Enjoy your party so much! You deserve it. Congrats!