update on Collins


Inactive Member
Just wanted to update anyone who is interested that Collins arrived at his new home today. My new minivan came in last night so there was plenty of room for everyone to ride home comfortably (Newman stayed home).
There have been a few growls, alot of vying for mom's attention and my poor kitten (Jasmine) now looks like a porcupine...but all in all things are pretty good.
Newman doesn't understand why we had to bring Collins home, but in time I think they will be good for each other. They are a little jealous, but that is too be expected.
Right now, Collins is at Rich's feet and Newman is at my feet and God only knows where the 2 cats are.
Please remember us in your prayers as we go through the adjustment phase. 300lbs is ALOT of dawg to have to go through this phase with. But like I said...there have been FEW growls and NO baring of teeth so things are looking good.
I do want to thank Collins' mom and dad for letting us take their boy into our home and love him. He is a wonderful boy.

Oh, a little funny story. After we got home from GA, we took Newman and Collins for a walk. My husband was walking Collins who was walking like a prince. No pulling, no tugging. I was walking Newman who acts like he should be walking you. Pulling, tugging, running, etc. I really think I got the raw end of the deal in that walk!

By the way, Newman DID go through obedience school and on the last day, he FORGOT his name!

Newfoundly yours,
shawn, Newman, and Collins


New member
So glad you and Collins made it home safely. Newman will be happy to have a playmate.

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
From what I have heard, you have to give your new guy about 2 wks to adjust to his new home. For now all you can do is to let them work things out and be patient and loving. I'm sure things will work out. Keep us posted. I think you have done a wonderful thing taking Collins into your home.

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
Glad to hear Collins is with you!!! The adjustment will take some time, and patience! I'd try and let Newman and Collins work things out for themselves as much as possible. Hang in there... and pictures!!! We Want Pictures!!! :D


New member
So glad to hear Collins made it home !! I'm sure everything will work out. Let them work it out and soon they'll be the BEST of friends !!

Nancy and Bear


New member
Are both of the boys intact at this moment?
if so i would definatly make appts for them to be nuetered, there are times that intact males will NOT get along no matter how hard you try to help them to, and i would not trust the two at home alone together without supervision.
beware their body language, hopefully this will pass, but, like i say i never would trust two intact males together if there is the slightest sign that they may not get along, good luck, i hope all works well for them.
also since your boy was there first, i would probably put him first for everything.

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
Good point SAR!! Also, I can't remember if they're crated.... if they are, it might be a good idea to establish some quiet time....
I'm glad to hear that Collins made it home safely! I'm sure in time Newman and Collins will be the best of buddies. Now we just need to see pictures of the 2 boys!


Super Moderator
I am very happy to hear that Collins is now at his forever home. It will take some time, but they will adjust and become best friends