Upcoming Spay Surgery


New member
Our 20 month old Newf, Bailey, will be spayed next Wednesday. Does anyone have any advice on making her recovery go well when she comes home? The vet said it takes 7 to 10 days to fully recover, no exercise except business breaks on a leash and limited food intake for the first two days. Also, I am feeling a little nervous as this will be her first time going under while being operated on. I should just mention that we only have one vet as we live in a remote northern Labrador community. She will be using a ramp to get into the van for the trip home after the surgery. Would really appreciate any helpful tips.

Bailey Boy

New member
She will need mind games to stimulate her mind while her body heals - chew bones and healthy treats like carrots, bananas etc. Car rides did wonders for us so she can be out and about without running around. New smells will stimulate her mind and help tire her out a bit too.

I know some vets don't give pain meds because they don't want the animal to "feel good" and hurt themselves, I can't imagine myself not having pain meds after a surgery especially something as invasive as a hysterectomy - which is what spaying is. I would ask for at the very least a weeks worth of pain meds just so you have them on hand for her to be comfortable while she gets better.


New member
Don't be too concerned if she's not hungry afterwards, just make sure she stays hydrated.

Newfs can take a very long time for the anesthesia to wear off completely, so she may not seem herself for a few days.

Definitely get some puzzles or invent some games for her to keep her brain busy.

If you plan to use the ramp, practice a lot before - don't just spring it on her that day or you'll have a mess on your hands if she refuses it.

Order a comfy cone from Amazon before the surgery. The plastic ones are so big for newfs they can't fit through doorways. And my girl figured out that by throwing herself on the ground, she could break the clips. It was awful. The comfy cone was much better.

She'll be back to normal in no time!


Active member
Chicken breast strips are what mine have always had after surgery.
We are getting both of our girls done soon so will be having to cope with it as well soon.

Sedatives for my lot as they aren't quiet kids