Trick challenge for week ending 11/11/2011


New member
Next week's trick challenge is something with the mouth. Just to get your creative juices flowing here's a video of what someone else came up with.

I hope I see more pictures or videos this week! Hint....hint.... :lol:


New member
Whew! Was expecting to pull out this week due to Chumley's constant dropping of anything that went in his mouth. To him, "take it" meant put it in my mouth then spit it out so I can have my mouth ready for a treat. I've never been able to break that cycle...until last night. I saw his light bulb over his head. I just have to videotape it. Just don't expect a scene from Lassie. It's ever so basic, but a big leap for us.


Active member
ok, here's our trick....I took the simple road cause once time, Zeke is already the key master (he carries them on our walks) but I've never asked him give them to his dad. So this was our third try and I think they say 3rd times a charm (he almost didn't but changed his mind and did)



New member
Woot woot Zeke! That was the best...can't believe it. He makes it look so easy. Up next is my boy. Tee hee, don't laugh.


New member
Here's Chumley doing it all wrong which has been this way for months...

Here's where I figured I'd replace the food reward with praise...sorry for all the "good boys" Kinda' irritating I know.


New member
I'd like to add that in between the wrong way and the right way to do it...he chewed up my cell phone. It's o.k., most things still work. Audio is scratchy at best though.


Active member
Good Boy Chumley!! I think that was great with the touch, you could teach him to turn on lights...I know some dogs that do that!


New member
Here's Chumley doing it all wrong which has been this way for months...

Here's where I figured I'd replace the food reward with praise...sorry for all the "good boys" Kinda' irritating I know.

oh Stacey just love your video especially the 1st one, such a good boy and so so keen even when there was no treats.... think its a great example that a bit of affection goes along way with our pups... well done


New member
Oh yea!!! So glad to see some videos posted. I just love them. What a nice job Zeke has giving the keys to dad! That was no simple trick either!!

And I love the Chumley videos showing one way with food which didn't work and the other way with praise. Good for you for figuring it out and a good lesson for the rest of us. And please don't ever apologize for too much praise. There never can be too much praise. :kiss: I just love Chumley!

I'll post mine tomorrow. Had some family stuff this week-end. Funny how that gets in the way of training sometimes!

I'll figure something out for the next trick and let you know tomorrow.


New member
Ok, here is our trick for the mouth challenge. Please excuse the poor video quality but I think you get the idea.



New member
Sue, I spoke to Chumley's old trainer about his mouth challenge. She told me there was a command "Hold" to keep it in their mouth. I told her I never knew that and it was too late that I had already posted. Now I'm seeing you use that command! Great job with Henry and Truman.


New member
Stacy, I actually use "Hold It!" If you think about it, Hold sounds very much like No-o-o.

There are three commands I use for a retrieve, take it, hold it and give. That's my preference. It doesn't really matter what you use for a command as long as you are consistant with it so the dog understands what you want when you say that particular word.

I think Chumley is doing great!