To Tug or Not To Tug That is the Question

Luca's Dad

Inactive Member
I hear all kinds of pro's and cons for tug of war with your newfie? whats this all about. all my dogs alwyas loved tug of war.... I play it with Luca all the time its his favorite game.....Somebody please inlightne me....

Rudy :confused:


Inactive Member
Originally posted by Luca's Dad:
I hear all kinds of pro's and cons for tug of war with your newfie? whats this all about. all my dogs alwyas loved tug of war.... I play it with Luca all the time its his favorite game.....Somebody please inlightne me....

Rudy :confused:
Well - for starters, it's a matter of the alpha thing. When I hold something - I don't want it ripped out of my hands by dog or human unless I hand it to them. It's mine until I relinquish it. I don't allow for begging or taking without permission. Unless one is a trainer extraordinaire, I wouldn't encourage the start of something that won't be quite as cute coming from a 150, muscular and easily overpowering canine as it is from a yipping, growling little puppy. <G>

I know of no pros for playing tug that can't be satisfied elsewhere.


New member
Tug is also my husband and Brady's favorite game. We have read this is not a good game. However, there is only one thing they will play tug with. When he wants to play tug with something different we don't. They play "tug" with a lobster buoy which has a small rope attached.

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
I have heard that the tug game is not a good one, so I avoid it too. I think it may be OK with an adult dog, but I am not sure.


Inactive Member
I love to tug with Misha and so does she. The only problem we have with it is that she doesn't pull hard enough - so it's more me pulling and she holding the toy ;) . I belive most of the dogs love to tug - not all of them will chase the ball... It is in my opinion the best game you can play with your dog and it helps billding a bond between you and your dog. But I must confess that I never had any problems with the dominance, so maybe if there's a dominance issue with a certain dog this is not the best game to play. And to only use one toy is a good idea also. It's also imortant that a human is the one leading the game - when to start and stop playing.
Other than that, this game was a great help to me with training.

Mirjam & Misha


New member
I agree with Mismala00 I think it depends on the dog. We play tug with all of ours (well not JoJo cuz she doesnt like it) and we havent had any dominace problems. In fact Maggie will not pull anywhere near as hard with me as she does with Chad, and if a child is on the other end of the rope she pulls even lighter. So to her she doesnt want to try to get it from us she just wants to play with us. Tily has been tuggin with Maggie and with us. Its so cute to see the little newf on one end and the big newf on the other pulling gently so it doesnt hurt her. I also used to tug with ^Arthur^ my newf/shepard mix and even though he took the rope from me a time or two he knew I was the boss. So I think it depends a great deal on the particular dogs personality. If you have a dog that is already giving you dominace problems I probably wouldnt tug with him/her. But thats just my opinion.


New member
Having Goldens since the ancient days :D , we learned not to play tug of war. In thier case it's because a golden is supposed to present you with their "fetchy" gently and easily. If they learn tug of war, it ruins their "soft mouth".

In the case of Newf's, my information is that if you do play tug-of-war with them, you MUST win always. (dominance issue). For the majority of the people you will win when they are small, but when they are 150 pounds, look out. :eek:

Luca's Dad

Inactive Member
Thanks guys for the info.....Luca loves tug and even brings his rope over to me and lays it in my lap when he wants to play........He is trained to the word drop.....and drops what ever he has when i say drop.....being over 6'2 and a cheesebureger away from 300 lbs he would have a hard time out tugging me lol.....



Inactive Member
Tayla also loves to play tug. She has a rope toy that we play tug with. She knows she musn't tug at anything else. All in all she is pretty good and will not tug hard unless you are igrnoring her then she will give it a really hard pull until your attention is back on her. :rolleyes: