to show or not to show, that is the question


New member
K, here is my situation. NW regionals are on the 21st of March. I have never thought of showing boagie until the last few days. she will not point in conformation. Her tail Curls (this is her only flaw as far as i can see). but she has really come around on her obedience. We just graduated our basic class ( A+ if you can believe it), which is for all intense purposes Novice A. Considering she is not yet a year and bad behavior which is not down right agregious should be forgiven. so my questions is. Do i take her (curly tail and all) to regionals or do I wait for a fun match? If this was my horse i would go for experience but i have not shown a dog for 15 years so I am not sure of the attitude or politics. Oh, next question can I use a pinch collar in the show ring if I am schooling.. can I school at a regional show? Any help would be appreciated.

ROM Newf

New member
Pinch (prong) collars are not allowed at any AKC events - only choke or buckle. Why not sign up for handling classes sponsored by a local kennel club or private training school? You can certainly show your Newf at the regional. Input from your breeder as to the quality of your Newf and more importantly, whether your Newf is ready for the show ring, can be a big asset.
Good luck and have fun should you decide to enter the regional.


New member
we are doing continuing education. she just graduated Basic obedience. we are now going to do intermediate and agility 101. I think I will hold off on her for showing... Think.

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
Dogger... along with obedience and agility classes, our training club offers conformation classes. They teach people how to handle their dogs, and prepare people to enter the show ring.

The club also offers an occasioinal fun match, and they offer run throughs that are open to the general public. I know nothing about conformation (other than being a spectator ;) ). Yet, if I were thinking about showing one of my dogs, I would look for classes, fun-matches and run throughs. Maybe they have something like this in your area!!!

As ROM said, whatever you decide to do, have fun!!!


New member
No training collars in obedience ring. Buckle collar is all I use in obedience ring. The most I ever use for training is promise or gentle leader.

This is something you should discuss with your breeder as to should you show and I guess the question is was your pup bought as possible show pup. Certainly you could enter something like sweeps. If you're thinking of conformation showing look around for a conformation training class so you can start working on gaiting and stacks and stops in show ring.


New member
First are you, what venue are talking about showing her in? THere are very few dogs that are ready for the obedeince ring after completeing basic obedience. As for the breed ring, ROm NEWf is right, have your breeder evaluate her.

And behavior is considered in the conformation ring, even for puppies! I was showing my boy in the ring when he was about 9 months and he picked up something in the ring and I grabbed it from him. Well he wanted it back and I won't let him have it. He started jumping around and wouldn't stand still. When I got out the ring, I was told my pup would have gone winner's if he hadn't misbehaved. BTW it was giant chunk of liver he picked upleft by a hanlder from a previous brred being judged in the ring.

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
I entered Rory in a fun match a few months ago and it was a good trial run for both Rory and I for a show that counts for points. I used a thin choke chain.
When I was there, I watched the obedience also, and Joan is right that these participants have had considerable obedience training to perform properly in that ring.
I would start off with a fun match either as an observer or participant. See also what your breeder suggests.


New member
I spoke with our trainer... we are waiting for a few fun matches... as just a starter.
We begin agiliy on Thursday.