TICA - another chapter


Inactive Member
I have been lurking here for the last 4 weeks reading about all the happy people getting new pups or getting on a waiting list for a new pup but have been unable to chat about TICA. On Feb 15, while I was babysitting and distracted for a minute Tica attacked the Peke again. This time a one inch gash on her back, two teeth punctures on the side and one very sore and very terrified dog. She screemed when I tried to pick her up and cried and shook for hours. I finally put her in my bedroom where no dog has gone before and she seemed a little calmer. She did not eat, move or 'go; for 2 1/2 days- I was using a suringe to get water into her. talked to the vet and as she had no fever, showed no sign of broken bones or internal injuries decided she was just sore from the fight. I finally had to keep her in the livingroom baricaded from Tica and take her out into the front yard. So Tica is now in a new home. She seems happy and they seem happy. She has 2 acres to run in, two kids (6&9) to play with and no other pets. I acturally met the man, (nephew of a friend) years ago when we both had other newfs. She had a two hour ferry ride to her new home and they sat in the car with her all the way. I am going over to visit in a few weeks. It seems sad and lonely here right now but today for the first time ( it has been three days since Tica left) the Peke went out into the back yard on her own. Still won't go out by herself at night. I know many of the posters have rescue newfs and I myself previously had a rescue newf but still I don't know anyone who gave up a dog and feel bad about doing so. She was a great dog but I just could not continue to have my Peke hurt and it seemed to get worse every time. So what is done is done. I hope you don't think badly of me.


Inactive Member
No, actually I think very highly of you. You did something that was very difficult for you, but had to be done. Your Peke can now live peacefully and slowly regain confidence in it's surroundings, and Tica can have a home where her aggression (and thus her owner's disapproval) are not an issue. You are obviously hurting, but are brave for the choice you made.

I hope the hurt gets better with time.


New member
Sunny, I know how hard it is to part with a dog. I had rescued a Keeshond when he was one year old and kept him for over 3 years. We got a kitten and he killed the kitten when we were on vacation. (We'd told the animal sitter to keep them separate til we got back, but she didn't listen... and that's a whole other long story.) Our kids wanted another kitten, and we didn't have the heart to tell them the dog killed the kitten (made up some complicated story at the time). So we had to place the Keeshond back into rescue. I've had to euthanize two dogs, but must say that giving up the Keeshond to rescue was still harder. At least we knew that euthanizing the dogs was the merciful thing to do. The Keeshond had no idea what he did wrong or why we were abandoning him. I've been reading all about your history with Tica and it seems like you gave her many chances. At least in both our cases, we didn't have to euthanize an otherwise great dog. Our dog went to live with a family that is aware he cannot live with cats... and Tica has a home where the new owner knows her history too. My thoughts and sympathies are with you...

[This message has been edited by Crazy4Suki (edited 03-18-2002).]


Super Moderator
I hight admire you for making your decision. TICA, you and the Pek will be much happier in the long run. The lady that surrendered Panda in to rescue had the same reactions that you are having, but just the other day she emailed me and told me she was happy that Panda has such a good home. I am sure TICA will have a wonderful home. I hope that some day you can get another newf.

God bless you

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
Sunny - I actually was thinking about you last night as I scanned through some old posts and was wondering how TICA was doing. I know how you feel having to give up a dog as I had to give up my husky years ago when my children were born. She was aggressive with us and the vet said we should not take a chance with my new twin boys. So we found another home for her. It was a difficult decision but once she was gone, we felt better knowing the children were safe and that she was in a more suitable home. You certainly gave TICA plenty of chances, but it is hard to change an animals predisposition to things. You have done the right thing, so relax now and try to stop feeling so guilty.


Inactive Member
Kudos to you for doing the right thing for everyone involved!!! I really admire you for your decision. I know some people would just have had TICA put down for aggressive behavior. And she is otherwise a great dog.

I made the decision not to foster a friend of mine's dog because he was so large and such an alpha male that I knew there would eventually be problems between him and Newman. And I could not have stood for that to happen. I don't think I could have separated a Newf and a dane/mastiff mix and it could have resulted in the death of one of them (Newmie, most probably, since he was smaller).

Just remember, TICA is in a home now with no power struggles and she will be happy being an "only child." My hat is off to you and I hope time will dull the pain.


[This message has been edited by shawn (edited 03-18-2002).]


New member
I know that was very difficult for you to do, but I'm sure it was the best thing all around. It's nice that you were able to send TICA to someone you know. You can be sure it's a good newf home.

I sort of know how you feel. We gave up one of our dogs a few weeks ago. Frank (6 year old lab/spaniel mix) was not handling things ell. Luckily, the situation wasn't quite as violent as yours, but was otherwise quite similar. She wasn't thrilled with having Morgan around but was dealing with it once Morgan learned Frank was boss. Quark never did catch on to that and was a major thorn in Frank's side. The personality change in her was extremely obvious. Anytime Morgan and Quark were in the basement or outside Frank would grab a toy and run around, play, bring it to the nearest person for more playing. With the others in the room she just layed in one spot and tried to stay out of the way. Luckily, my best friend (and one of Frank's favorite people in the whole world) just bought a house 15-20 minutes away and was willing to adopt Frank. It was sad for me, but I know she's happier there. My friend travels fairly regularly for work so Frank stays here for a day or two at a time. She was here over the weekend and even started playing with Morgan for a while! I think the only one who really hates the situation is my friend's cat! Although poor Dixie did start eating again after a couple days and seems to be bouncing back. She can even go to sleep if Frank is in the same room!


New member
Sunny - I admire what you did. That took alot of courage on your part. It sounds like
TICA is in a good home. I hope you get another newf someday. Take care



Inactive Member
Sunny, you did the right thing. Not only did you probably save the life of your Peke, you gave her life back. Now your Peke can live freely not being in fear. I applaud you. I'm sorry it hurts so much, and with time hopefully you will be able to have a newf in your life again. But for now please just know you did the right thing. Take Care.
Well i think u made the right choice. Dont feel bad u made every possiable effort. I think every one will be better off. Im really sorry it didnt have a better ending .
but u did the right thing .
Until We Newf Again


Inactive Member
Sunny, I've been catching up on your story and my heart goes out to you.

I'm new to this site and I've never owned a Newfie, but I think they're a fascinating breed and I'm planning on buying one when I move away from home (in September/October).

I also had to give a dog out to Rescue some time ago, although my situation was very different from yours. He was a rough coated teckeland he was very aggressive. I had him when I was ten (I'm 23 now) and he bit me and other members of my family pretty often. It was very hard for me to bear and sometimes I'm surprised that I still want another dog.

No one else in my family does, but I love dogs and I just feel I have to give them another chance.

I hope I'll have good luck with my Newfie if I finally get her.

I hope you're feeling better these days.

A big hug,



Inactive Member
You know you did the right thing.

You tried, and tried and tried again.

Some dogs just can't be around other dogs, for whatever reason.

TICA sounds like she went to a good home.