This week's adventure


New member
OMG. Picture this. It's Saturday morning. Hubby and I are still in bed, thinking about getting up. We were out night before and left the doggie door open so the dogs could come and go as they please while we were gone... except for surgery Gracie, who was crated. So anyway, we're thinking about getting up, couple of dogs on the bed, son arrives and starts teasing us from the livingroom about being lazy, the dogs hear him, they are all leaving to greet him. Suddenly from the livingroom we hear him saying to Emma "what do you have there? one of the stuffies?" next he's screaming "OMG it's not a stuffie!!! it's a Beaver!!!! a real beaver!!! on your Sofa!!!!". Hubby and I are laughing now. not quite believing his story. He comes down the hall and the look on his face says it's true. So we jump out of bed, run to the livingroom and sure enough, there's Emma bumping her head into this DEAD, STIFF as a doornail groundhog, lying on it's back on my gorgeous, fancy livingroom sofa!!!!! She's trying to make the stuffy squeak!!!!

We have no idea who the murderer was, though Cosmo, the Golden, has wanted a piece of our resident groundhog for a while now...

Gives me the major creeps knowing that that dead thing was in my house all night long and on my SOFA to boot.


New member

Oh my god!!!!! I do not remember the last time I laughed so hard at a post. I laughed just as hard the second time when I read it out loud to Brian


New member
Dogger - you are one sick ticket! Laughing at another's misfortune - imagine! Oh okay, I laughed too, but YUCK!!! What a way to start your morning!


New member
Originally posted by Liz:
Dogger - you are one sick ticket! Laughing at another's misfortune - imagine!
Uh, Liz hello!!!!! I think more than a few people had a good chuckle over me in the lake a few months back. ;)

Besides, what is newf net for if it is not to LAUGH our bumms off every now and then


New member
Well shoot - I guess you got me there, Dogger! I had a momentary lapse - mea culpa... Come to think of it, thanks all over again - the memories came flooding back!
How's the fence working out, by the way? I guess pretty well, or we'd have had an earful by now, I imagine!


New member
Liz, Yes the fence is a smashing success from our point of view. This is obviously the reason why Boagie has moved on the Irish stout.


New member
Okay, okay, go ahead, have a good laugh at my expense :D . Actually I can almost laugh about it now too. You have to know Emma to get the full picture. She's aka "TANK"... huge boned female, walks through things instead of around them. Can you imagine how hard she was head-butting this poor deceased creature trying to make it squeak?
She's not one to give up easily.

I just can't wait too see what they have up their sleeves for the next great adventure :D . Or maybe I can.... maybe I could go a VErrryyyy long time without a new adventure, huh?

Dogger, I missed a lot of posts when our Gracie got her booboo, so now I have to go back and locate your apparently hysterical adventure??? hehehe. I could use a good laugh


Active member
Sorry but I'm LMAO here!!! Especially about Emma trying to make the "stuffy" squeek!!
I can SO see my Shelby trying to do the same thing!!

I think Emma is wonderful! :D


Inactive Member
Oh my god, that IS hysterical! A real live stuffie (well sorry, that should be a real, DEAD stuffie!). Poor Emma, she must have been confused!!!


New member
With the "event" becoming more distant in my memory, :rolleyes: I'm starting to think it's pretty darned funny too.

Emma is DETERMINED if nothing else. I'm just glad someone discovered what was going on before Emma forced a squeak out of it
.... EEWWWWwwwww