This doggie likes order in the house!


Inactive Member
We had put a bunch of parsley (do you guys call it cilantro? I don't know. A bunch of fresh herbs) in a glass of water and it was on the window sill in the kitchen. My mum and sister heard Rory barking in the kitchen so they went to see what was wrong and she was looking up at the parsley, barking her head off! They had to take it down and show her up close what it was to get her to stop.

And then later in the evening they heard barking in the bathroom. My Dad had left his shaving kit out on the bench, and Rory was standing in the doorway barking at that!

She certainly likes things to be in their proper places.


New member
FYI: Here in the US, parsley is parsley. The most common kinds are curly and flat italian parsley. Cilantro in the US is called fresh coriander in the UK. Coriander to us is a dried herb, usually ground or in seed form.



Staff member
That's too funny! We could use a dog like Rory. Maybe she could help me remember to put the dishes IN the dishwasher.


Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
When Cora first came to us, freinds and family came to call bearing all sorts of gifts, mostly in the form of dog toys. I found an old basket in the basement, brought it up, and put all the toys in the basket...

Cora was asleep in the den with my husband at the time. However, when she came into the living room, she carried on like something else. I couldn't believe it.

I also have decorative flags that I put outside. Whenever I change flags, she knows, and looks at the flag, rolls her eyes, and runs by it as fast as she can. After a couple of days, she's fine... until I change it again!!!

Newfs are too too funny!!!


Inactive Member
After reading everyone's post, it's nice to know my newfies aren't the only ones that bark when things are out of place or "new." LOL! Now with a baby in the house (I swear he has more things than I do), Malia will roll her eyes if to say, "now what is this?"


New member
Have you ever had your Newfs remove the dishes from the sink for that extra lick, GAD??? That will make you remember to put them in the dishwasher pretty fast! They don't always put them on the floor gently.


Inactive Member
I'm glad to hear she's not alone!

Just to add, the other morning I woke up to VERY loud barking - that "wooowooowooo!!!" kind. I went out to the kitchen and Rory was standing in there looking out through the glass door at something, and barking and growling. It was just getting light, and when I looked out, I saw a small tree branch with lots of leaves that had fallen onto the ground.

I opened the door and went out and picked it up and showed it to her and she didn't like that at all, but when I dropped it she kind of came up and sniffed at it and jumped around and stuff.

I left the door open and went back to bed, and when I got up again later, I went outside and saw the branch and all the leaves in little bits all over the back yard.

She sure killed it good and proper.

(PS- Mudji, thanks for the coriander/parsley/cilantro clarification! That has seriously confused me in recipes. I've usually just left the whole ingredient out.

[This message has been edited by AmyPC (edited 03-19-2001).]