The strangest reaction


New member
A few months ago I brought Jordan home from the groomer. I am called when they finish and then pick him up. Jordan does not like to be caged. Anyways, bring him home, he goes to his automatic waterer, I feed him, he goes back to replenish himself, then comes in the house. About 10-15 minutes later, I am shocked as I literally watch his face swell up as he's trying to rub his eyes. Whip out the Benadryl and ice packs, give him lots of love and attention. (Dear, we are not going out to dinner tonite!) No airway involvement. The next day he's fine and the swelling starts to subside. I'm looking for bees, insects, spiders near his waterer. Couldn't find any. The next groomers appointment, we don't have any reaction. Further, since that episode, no reactions at all.

Yesterday I bring Jordan home from the groomer. Same routine, water, feed, water. 10-15 minutes later the right side of his face swells up. Whip out the Benadryl and ice packs. An hour later he's resting comfortably. Go on another insect hunting adventure. The only arachnids I have seen lately are the daddy-long-legs, but they certainly don't hang out near the waterer. Today the swelling has gone down and He's back to his old self.

I think I know what is causing this....the medicated shampoo he requires for his seborrhea. Jordan has extremely sensitive skin. Will just have to tell the groomer to bathe his face with something more gentle. What stumps me though, is why there is no immediate reaction at the groomer.

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
That is odd, but if I had to make a guess, it sounds like he is not allergic to the shampoo when used on him, but when he puts his muzzle in the water bowl, he is drinking it. It may the medication in the shampoo or a chemical that he is reacting to when ingested. The times he had no reaction, they might have used a different shampoo or may not have washed his head as thoroughly. It is a good thing you were right there for him. I hope he is feeling better.


New member
Maybe it takes a while for his body to fully react. Our Lucy is allergic to all kinds of things. Sometimes she reacts within an hour, sometimes the reaction is more subtle and can take a day or two.

blackbear cove

New member
It could be products the groomer is spraying on other dogs like perfumes causing the problem too, anything airborne could be causing it. Good luck figuring it out.