The Danger of Water Intoxication


New member
Thats so scary! Oh gosh, Charlie, you are just giving this worrry wart of a mother one more thing to panick about! :(


New member
I found the article interesting, however after a few years of water training, and watching hundreds of Newfies water train/water test, I have never seen a Newf succomb to this. I wonder if Newfies, whom are bred for, and have a natural (DNA) imbreded water rescue mode built into them, are somehow exempt from this due to their make-up. I would think that other "water type" dogs would also, Labs, Porties, etc.


New member
I've read about this happening with people taking too much apparently makes you very thirsty and everything is heightened when you re high, so some people have consumed enough liquid t have their brain swell and cause significant damage or death.