The Circle of Life - An Observation


New member
I've been making comparisons between the new puppy, Nai'a and my beloved Eden Anne who lived to be almost 14 years old.

As Eden aged and it was getting more difficult for her to get up but when I needed her to move, I would assist her by hoisting up her backend. I find I'm doing the same with the puppy mainly because the puppy is easily distracted and doesn't want to go where I need her to go when I need her to.

Wait for the newf to put paws up first then I lift butt into the van. In both cases, for the young and old, to save the joints. (Puppy will get ramp training soon).

Speak loudly. For the elderly because of hearing loss. For the pup, too distracted with all the new things in life to pay attention to what I want from her.

Funny antics. Eden could make me laugh and smile at the looks she gave me and the unexpected behaviors from a sweet old lady. Nai'a makes me laugh at all of the cute and delightful behaviors she displays as she discovers all of the nuances of this world.

It sure is nice to have this new puppy around and Fiona loves her, too.

Jager's Mom

New member
Love! And so true!

We had a dachshund that lived to be over 18 years old...we now have a new dachshund...and now that I read your post...I've been doing the same with him. Too funny!