The 4 Types of Dog Vomit


New member
I know I have experienced all 4 -


*YELLOW URKA-GURKAS* -- Dog runs around the house and hides under
furniture while making a prolonged 'uuuurka-guuurka, uuurka-guuurka'
noise. (this noise is the only thing guaranteed to wake up a true dog
lover who is hungover from a post-dog-show celebration at 3:30 a.m.).
After mad scrambling to capture the dog and drag her outside, the
episode ends with an indelible ten-yard line of slimy yellow froth from
the living-room rug to the back door.

*BLAP DISEASE* --Dog exercises hard and a) eats large mouthfuls of snow
(Winter Blap Disease), or b) drinks a bucket of water (Summer Blap
Disease). Within two minutes of returning inside, the dog spews out
large amounts of clear slimy liquid while making a distinctive 'blap'
sound and sharp percussive noises as it hits the linoleum.

*GARKS* -- Dog suddenly clears her throat with loud and dramatic
'gggaark, gggaark,' noises, generally followed by prolonged 'iiikssss'
and then loud, satisfied, smacking noises. There is nothing on the rug.
DON'T investigate; you DON'T want to know.

*RALFS* -- Apropos of nothing, the dog strolls into the dining room and
waits 'til the innocent dinner guests are all watching her. Then with a
single, deep, gut-wrenching 'raaaalfff', she disgorges the entire week's
contents of her stomach on the dining room rug.


New member
Very nicely done, Laura!

My dear hubby snapped a tendon in the middle finger of his right hand, cleaning up a #1 that our Westie graced us with several years ago. Sorta left his finger looking like the number 7. Oh well, needless to say, after some very painful surgery repair, the splint and bandage on the "finger" came in quite handy for six weeks. Mostly directed at me, for not cleaning up after "my" dog......sigh..... :rolleyes: Actually put a smile on his face. Ahhhh....the memories....

[ 05-27-2005, 08:42 PM: Message edited by: Bluedog ]


New member
Sorry. Cross-posted from the leo list, author uknown...

I have of course dealt with them all. Some dogs seem more prone to one type or another...


New member
Hoo boy..been there..done that..and good to see it in a 'smile inducing' fashion. It'll make the the next one..a lil easier to take. ;) Thanks..and continued 'happy-summer-recovering-enjoying'..on your front. ina n HB


New member
I was
until Atticus just did a combination yellow urka gurka GARK under my desk as I was sitting here reading NN posts. UGH GRRROOOOOOSSSSSSSS! LOL


New member
The urka gurka sounds like a new wedding-type dance (to replace the hokey pokey?)..."and that's what it's all about!"