Terrible front page news


New member
Two days in a row we have had horible dog stories on the front page of the paper...

Two days ago a year old girl was playing in her backyard with her dog. She wa wearing a scarf...not th eoutdoor kind, the pretty accesorizing kind...and the dog grabbed the scarf in play. She was accidentally strangled by the scard as the dog tugged it. The mother had separated them earlier in the afternoon as the dog kept nipping at it in play but later let her go out with the dog still wearing the scarf.

Today's front page was a little girl in PetCo right here in my town (that i take my dogs to myself) had her face bitten pretty severely by a rottweiler. The mother saw her petting the dog, everything seemed fine and the next thing she knew...the person who had the dog in the store was not it's owner. The owner took the dog to the shelter and asked to have it put down.

Just heartbreaking, not to mention sobering.

Today I went to olivia's school as her special visitor. I was going to do it anyway but I put a special emphasis on how to approach a dog properly and sent a sheet home on it with each kid. Not that it would have prevented either of these events but I jsut felt i had to do it.

Here are links to the articles...




New member
You are right..sad, and sobering news. That you were able to create a 'teachable moment'..out of these situations..is a true gift Damian. Thank you very much, ina n HB


Both incidents are very sad. I get concerned with strange animals and small children in a social type setting. If I had small-ish children for instance, I would not let them go to our local dog park. Sometimes there are upwards of 50 dogs at our park at any given time, all running around with heightened excitement. My fear is that one of these small kids is going to get knocked down and run over by these dogs.

Naturally, a trip to a pet store should be fun for kids and dogs, but I would never take my Lhasa into a pet store, he's a food guarder and doesn't like children. That's a recipe for danger. My heart goes out to the families of those children and the dogs involved, too.

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
Those are scary stories, Damian! I heard about the Petco incident when I was in Petsmart with Sage this afternoon. I wonder if Petco will still be allowing dogs in their stores? Unfortunately a child's face is eye level with many large dogs, leaving them open to this type of injury around a potentially dangerous dog.

Sue M.

New member
Both incidents are devastatingly tragic.

That was a good idea, instructing kids on how to approach dogs. Unfortunately, a lot of parents don't properly instruct their kids about behavior around dogs. Childrens quick and spontaneous movements often cause stress in dogs, expecially those dogs who aren't used to being around kids.


New member
Those stories are horrible.
Damion, good for you!!!!!!!!
Education is the best thing and you just could have saved some children's lives.

KS Newf

New member
What sad, sad stories! At least good came of your telling proper approach to the children. Who knows what incident your telling might prevent?!

Henrys Mom

New member
I also heard about the PetCo incident. That was terrible for that poor child!

I think educating children is good, but also pet owners need to be educated. It is my understanding that the dog was loose in the store. Unfortunately too many dog owners think their dog would never hurt anyone and don't watch them properly.

Such sad news for these children's families.