Surgery for an obstruction


New member
Has anyone's pet ever had to have surgery for an obstruction? What symptoms did your dog have? We are in a situation now in which Yogi may need to have surgery for a "possible" obstruction. He had been vomiting for two days, loss of appetite, and diahrrea. This weekend though, he started eating, not vomiting, stools started to harden, and acting pretty normal--until yesterday morning he started showing signs of illness again. Bloodwork tests came out normal and X-rays didn't show any obvious obstruction, but it does show a lot of gas bubbles concentrated in one area of his intestine. We heard a lot of loud gurgling coming from his belly yesterday morning. A possible obstruction that is causing a backup? I wonder though why he got better this weekend, and then yesterday started to act sick again. He is scheduled for an ultrasound today.


New member
Fingers and Paws crossed for Yogi. A few weeks ago this was Ozzy to a T. He had swallowed a polished rock, eaten a ton of grass which contained catulpa flowers which are a GI irratant and went through exactly what you describe, the vet gave us metacomplomide (sp?) to settle his nausea and also as she said " allow his lower somache to open to hopefully pass whatever is in there". He started to feel better after he threw up the catulpa flowers and then started to have diahrea and eventually he passed more flowers then the stone. the whole process was a week or so, with him feeling sick, getting better and eating/pooping fine, then getting sicker and sicker until we gave him the metacompromide. I think we really dodged a bullet having no obstruction.
I really hope Yogi won't need surgery, keep us posted.
Take care,


New member
Oh boy. Hope you find out what it is and he does not need surgery. I'll be sending positive thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted. Poor boy.


New member
He has been at the emergency animal hospital since yesterday afternoon. They are hydrating him with IVs so that they can do the ultrasound. We've been calling every 6 hours or so to get an update on his status. We're told that he is resting well and has not vomited at all. He is being a good boy, but I'm sure he is scared and wants to be home. The vet did say that his lypase (pancreatic enzyme) is significantly high, which may be a side effect of the gastreal irritability? Or pancreatitis? (although I did an internet search on canine pancreatitis and it indicates fever, which Yogi doesn't have). Not sure exactly what the high levels truly mean. We are so anxious right now. Not only because we want Yogi to feel better, but the thought of possible surgery and the cost of it is making our heads spin. I know it sounds heartless to worry so much about the cost, but it would literally wipe out our savings account. We couldn't choose to NOT have the surgery, you know? I sure do hope that it is something that can be helped with just medication and diet. We were so relieved this weekend when he had gotten better, and now this...(sigh)

[ 07-13-2004, 11:58 AM: Message edited by: Yogurt ]


New member
Its not heartless to worry about money to cover emergencies like this. We have all been through it and the costs make the situation so much more stressful. I sincerely hope Yogi won't need surgery and that he feels better soon. I am so sorry you are going through this, it is scary and stressful w/o the financial considerations which only make it feel worse.
Hang in there and please keep us posted. Good thoughts headed your and Yogi's way.....


New member
I'm so sorry to hear about Yogi. I hope that he will improve without the surgery. I think I'd want a second (or third) opinion before diving in, especially if they can't actually "find" anything wrong.

We're in VA, too. We have an emergency vet hospital about 20 miles from us...and then there's always the vet school at VA Tech.

Please keep us updated.


Inactive Member
Our lab had extreme vomiting several years ago and was xrayed for an obstuction--nothing showed up. Other test showed nothing. Vet then decided to scope his stomach by putting an endoscope down his throat. Bingo-- he saw something very large that wasn't suppose to be there. Surgery was performed right away and a rubber ball was removed.

Hope your boy is soon feeling ok.


New member
Well, I spoke to the vet last evening and she was able to finally do the ultrasound. She didn't find any definitive objects inside, but there is one area that is still questionable. She wasn't able to get a good enough view to determine what is was. She said it could be an object or just an intestinal fold. The ultrasound showed that he has "thickened angry bowels." I guess he has inflammation in his intestines and an overgrowth of bacteria. These "could" be caused by infection or it could still be the result of an obstruction. Yogi's pancreas is inflamed which explains why his lypase levels were high. But, his other organs were normal. The vet said that Yogi was "perky" yesterday which means his energy level has improved and he's feeling better. They did bloodwork on him again last night to check his lypase levels. When I called the hospital this morning to check on him, I was told that his lypase levels had gone down and they tried feeding him at 4am this morning. He has kept the food down so far. So, that is good news. I will need to call the doctor again later this morning to get another update and see if he's responding to the antibiotics and if we can take him home. Hopefully, he will be responsive to medication and diet and he won't need surgery. (sigh) I'm crossing my fingers that he will be okay...

New2Newfs--Where in VA do you live? We live in Northern VA, near Dulles Airport. We did do research on the vet schools that offer treatment. Actually, one of our neighbors had mentioned taking Yogi to a vet school as well. They've done that before on a previous pet and she mentioned that it is usually about 50% cheaper since it is a teaching hospital. Anyway, that is something we will definitely consider if Yogi will need to have surgery. Unfortunately, VA Tech is five hours away from us. The closest vet school to us is the one at U. Penn in Philadelphia.

[ 07-14-2004, 10:08 AM: Message edited by: Yogurt ]


New member
From what I understand, UPenn would be a very good choice, too. Let's hope he comes out of this without surgery, though.

I've PM'd you.


New member
Good thoughts headed yours and yogi way,.
i will keep checking back for updates, sorry i didnt see this thread earlier.


New member
Lots of good thoughts coming your way. I've never had a dog with an obstruction but one young lady on our Golden Forum has had two obstructions removed from her dog in a six month span. He ate a bunch of twist ties the first time and a sock..yes a sock, the second time. He's just fine, and recovered quickly.

Hopefully, you don't need the surgery, and there's no obstruction at all. Pancreatitis really makes a dog ill, and as you said, there's a fever, which Yogi doesn't have, so that's probably not the problem.

Hugs to you and Yogi.


New member
Update on our Yogi:
Well, Yogi is finally home with us. He has been keeping his food down and his appetite is back. His radiographs still show interrupted gas patterns, but the vet said that isn't so abnormal for inflamed bowels. We need to monitor him closely for behavior, appetite, nausea, and bowel movements. They've put him on metrozindale (sp?) and prilosec, and some prescribed canned food. Apparently, he didn't want the cheap stuff and opted instead for the "pate" dog food. Sheesh. Small, frequent meals for the first few days. Hoping that he will continue to respond to his medications. And we have to inspect his stools for any suspicious objects that may have passed through.

I just wanted to thank you all for your warm thoughts and prayers. This was such a stressful time for us, and Yogi too. We were ready to empty out our savings account for surgery :( I wouldn't have been able to live with the guilt of not getting him life saving treatment due to a financial conflict. Definitely looking into getting pet insurance. Our current vet office doesn't accept pet insurance because they offer their own wellness plans, so we will have to find another vet that does. Even if the coverage is limited, some reimbursement is better than nothing. Lesson learned!

[ 07-14-2004, 10:20 PM: Message edited by: Yogurt ]


New member
Glad he's home and sorry things have been so stressful for you. Hoping he's turned the corner now!

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
Sorry I missed this thread! Glad to hear he is home and improving and I hope you will be able to control this. Sending positive thoughts!