Stories, please


Active member
Nina, that is a wild story! Book worthy! I have this mental picture of 100 + pound "ants" scurrying through myriad icy tunnels, squirreling away toys in one end and chewies in another. What an image.


Active member
LOL, I knew I wasn't alone! The things we do for our pups! We've done that too! I should have taken a picture of the yard after the last blizzard. The last time we had that much snow Vin was around with the snow blower but the last time it was all hand shoveled, by me, since I had nothing better to do for 3 hrs!

This weekend I spend blow drying Zeke on Sat, holy schmoly he let go of a ton of hair. It was snowing newfy hair in NJ! Should have videoed that too! Myra on Sun was much easier, she doesn't shed like he does! All in all a nice uneventful weekend!


New member
Yes, Jane, that's exactly what they looked like. Black (both) ants in white tunnels, each having at least one bathroom, which they liked running around in, and which had to be cleaned daily.


New member
Just thought of something else. Every Newf that we have ever had has loved making puppy angels. Of course, all my pictures are packed away in a camera somewhere.